Arlington ISD …..Islam Indoctrination

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Unfortunately, today your children will be indoctrinated with the Islamic religion at your local Texas public school. The Islamic faith is making its way into every facet of our life.

The day when students were taught to read and write using Gods word, praying at school, singing Christmas carols is a distant memory.

Your local ISD’s with the use of Cscope, Common Core, International Baccalaureate or a similar Marxist curriculum are working to destroy your children’s values with the use of Hegel’s dialectic manipulation.

Watch this video to understand how this manipulation occurs.


This past week a student from Starrett Elementary in Arlington ISD told his father that the teacher had the english class doing an English lesson on Islam but they were not allowed to bring it home. The  students father, Shane Cooper insisted that his son bring home the paper as you will see below is more Islamic indoctrination.




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