Is Aransas County ISD Deceiving Parents?

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The new Math TEKS were implemented this school year,  2014/2015. The  math Teks greatly aligned with the common core standards. Due to the outrage not only from parents and teachers relating to the complexity of the new TEKS the Texas Commissioner of Education released the following statement stating that the STAAR scores for grades 3rd through the 8th were excluded from the state accountability system. In other words there was no repercussion to the students that did not pass the math STAAR test.

Aransas County ISD seems to want to capitalize on their student’s failures. The following was sent to a student at Aransas County’s  Live Oak Learning Center  stating the student failed the STAAR Math and needed to attend districts Summer School program. Why? . Surely the district is aware the students math STAAR scores were excluded for grades 3-8.






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