Is “School Choice” a Scam?

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Senator Larry Taylor is making his rounds across the great state of Texas promoting
“School Choice”. Sounds terrific doesn’t it? So did the “Affordable Care Act”. What parents would not want choices when it comes to schooling their children.  In reality parents have the choices today to educate their children however they wish, they just do not receive tax dollars for doing so. Can that be good?  Well it depends on how much your want the government entrenched in your daily affairs. To be honest I don’t know of one government handout that if strings are not attached initially they will be eventually.



Is this another government trick of hanging out the money carrot to rein in those that are not accountable to the government now? For example those homeschooling or those in private schools?

I will cover the financial aspect of this at another time.

What is confusing is the agenda of supposed”Conservative” school choice advocate,  Texas Senator Taylor. Taylor who sits on the Texas Commission on Next Generation of Assessment of Accountability just called for the State of Texas to align its student accountability standards with that of the Federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The ESSA steers away for academics to implementing, testing and data mining your children on Social Emotional Learning (SEL). What could be his motive. Does he really have the students best interest at heart here? Does he care that our Texas public schools are abusing the children with the social, emotional crap. Has he proposed any legislation to fix any of it? Getting rid of the TEXAS ASSOCIATION of SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS (TASA) and TEXAS ASSOCIATION of SCHOOL BOARDS (TASB) and their progressive, liberal, federal agenda would be a great start.

Senator Taylor and all the other republicans in the Texas Legislation have authored and sponsored bill after bill that have our Texas Public Schools implementing progressive teaching philosophies as well as data mining our children. Now they are looking for a way out. Not so fast guys!  In reality these guys/gals have created a problem and now they are going to create another government bureaucracy to fix it?

Lord help us.


More about the true “School Choice” agenda.


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