Socialism/Communism/Marxism coming to Texas Schools!

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35 Texas Superintendents have joined forces with creating a New Vision for Texas Education. Here is their New Vision with their names and school districts on the last page. It is all about a watering down of our education system, the collective and not individual achievement. In other words SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM/MARXISM.


I recently saw the following flyer for a Community Connection in Anderson-Shiro ISD.



I along with a few friends attended the meeting and as expected it was a Consensus Meeting with the use of the Delphi Technique. (Please learn about the Delphi Technique. It has become common place lately with the implementation of the United Nations Agenda 21 goals.)

In short they already have their vision in place as to what they want our education system to look like they just want it to appear that they are reaching out to the community and getting their ideas which is far from the truth. I attended the meeting with friends that have attended Consensus Meetings before. We played along with  their little games (with music, lol) and interacted with the local sheriff and others. They were suspicious from the start who we were and what we were there for. My name is already known in numerous school communities due to my fight against the Texas progressive/Marxist curriculum Cscope . They took numerous photos (I think mine was taken the most) of the meeting as so did I.


They showed the following video at the meeting by Sir Ken Robinson.


I am assuming they will be holding these Consensus Meetings across the state as stated to make it appear that they have sought community input and this is what we want. Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) is behind all of this. Please call your elected officials and school board and let your concerns be known.

Parents are busy working and have been content if their child just passes school. What they don’t realize is when this is all implemented is all students are going to pass due to watering down of the academic content and it will a collective accomplishment not an individual one. There are no absolute values in with this progressive ideology.  It will become one long assembly line of indoctrination, all on the same playing field, everyone equal….SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM/MARXISM…call it what you may.  We are in trouble if the community and parents do not start paying attention. 


After further research not only did I find 35 stakeholders/superintendents pushing this agenda. I found this list of school Districts that have subscribed and paid a membership fee to be a part of  TASA’s  School Transformation Network, formally known as  TASA Visioning Network. A district (the taypayer’s) pays a fee to join the TASA School Transformation Network and those fees are below for the 2012/2013 school year.  881 school districts  though not paying fee’s to the TASA’s Transformation Network have signed a resolution to support the VISION along with PTA’s and local Chamber of Commerce’s . This is the



In a nutshell Texas Association of School Administrators and Texas Association of School Boards are working on transforming our children’s education to a  progressive/socialist one. Your local school district’s are using taxpayers money to join TASA and TASB and also to join the School Transformation Network. They also are using taxpayer money to fly to around the country to attend conferences, stay in hotels that do nothing but further the implementation of Common Core which Texas rejected. As I write this TASA is asking Texas Superintendents and School Administrators to join them and attend the American Association of School Administrators (AASA) to hear Humanist Linda Darling Hammond speak on Common Core. Why are Texas Taxpayers paying for this??


Please look at Texas Superintendent goes to Washington DC!


Additional links that expose the corruption in Texas Education. If you know more please let me know at






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