Students Hate Project Based Learning aka PBL

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pblThe progressive radical transformation of education today is called Project Based Learning. It is a teaching philosophy where the teacher is no longer as the progressives say “a sage on the stage” She/He becomes more like a coach, facilitator, and friend within this learning environment.  PBL is being implemented in Common Core states as well as those that did not adopt common core such as my home state Texas.  Project Based Learning is a  Marxist teaching philosophy based on the collective. Texas Parents need to wake up as to what is going on in your local school. Texas school districts have been implementing PBL with the use of CSCOPE and other curriculum tools for some time.


Students are not beginning to voice criticism about Project Based Learning on Social Media. We need more parents and students to voice their criticism of PBL as well using the hashtag #HATEPBL.






gun pbl


Comparison Chart between a Traditional Education and Project Based Learning


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