Is America Committing Suicide?

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When in 1961 I arrived to the USA this was a Country where laws were respected, students went to school/universities to study and the people, in general, wanted to work.
Now, 55 years later, the fluoride in the water have already affected the brains of the population and the Republican Party apparently also succumbed to it.
I feel sorry not only for the Country where I was born but also for the Country that I adopted as my new Country. At the end of the 1960’s I helped the Republican Party to become a serious Party in Louisiana, and the Republican Party recognized my job with a beautiful diploma of recognition for my job.
The last debate of the Republican Party left me feeling in a very bad mood. Instead of showing what they were offering to save this Country they were fighting each other to the rejoice of the Communists that want to see Hillary Clinton or Barney Sanders as last President of the Republic.
If I would be running to obtain the candidacy of the Republican Party I will be using my time to expose the danger of Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders directing us to the end of the USA as a free Country. If the moderators of the debate try to have me attacking some of the others running from my Party, I would ignore the question and would try to alert the American People of the threat of Hillary or Bernie.
I believe that any candidate that continue to fuel the attacks among Republican candidates is working in consort with the enemies of this Country.
For our children, grand children and great grand children we have to do better and not to descend to such suicidal tactics.
God Bless America, the land of the Free and the Hope of the World.
Dr. Carlos J. Bringuier
February 16, 2016
carlos b
Carlos Jose Bringuier is a Cuban exile in the United States of America who campaigned against Fidel Castro’s government. Bringuier is principally known for his brief connection with Lee Harvey Oswald, the assassin of President John F. Kennedy.
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Takeover of American Universities

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Across America storm clouds are gathering. America is under assault by left wing revolutionaries.

Takeover of American Universities

For decades American universities have been undergoing a fundamental change. It is there that the radical left molds the views of the students who are targeted as agents of permanent change for American culture and freedoms. The Progressive ideology, which rejects America’s founding principles, overturns moral norms, and seeks to destroy liberty and free enterprise, is dominant at a majority of American colleges and universities. Students are ignorant of our Western and American heritage and the true meaning of our Constitution. We are losing those precious freedoms bequeathed to us by our Founding Fathers. 

University campus mobs are growing in strength and numbers, led by a very vocal minority with outrageous demands targeted against an individual rather than the university, per Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals method – the bible for those seeking to overthrow a nation.

On more than 1,000 American colleges and universities a radical left campaign is raging to force divestment by universities of their investments in fossil fuels.

On November 10, 2015 the National Association of Scholars (NAS) published “Inside Divestment: The Illiberal Movement To Turn A Generation Against Fossil Fuels,” which documents the real purpose of the divestment campaign. Director of research projects at NAS and author of Inside Divestment Rachelle Peterson said, “The organizers’ goal is not to cause colleges to divest, but to anger students at the refusal of colleges to divest fully and to turn their frustration into long-term antipathy toward the modern fossil fuel-based economy.”

Peter Wood, president of NAS explained,

The movement pretends to change the way we generate energy, but its actual aim is to generate resentment, which is fuel for political demagoguery.  The ultimate beneficiaries are rich people whose investments in ‘green energy’ will prosper only if they can trick the public to strand our reserves of coal, oil, and gas underground. They favor high-priced, inefficient technologies that happen to require massive government subsidies coupled with sweeping new government powers.  Students drawn by ‘save the world’ rhetoric and prevented from ever hearing arguments on the other side have become willing pawns for a movement that, rightly understood, is profoundly anti-democratic and that will also consign much of humanity to perpetual poverty. 

Opponents to the radicals’ divestment campaign are bullied and smeared. Why would serious students waste their time and money in such an evil and hostile environment!

Consider a few of the latest headlines about campus life:

  • Dartmouth students lead profane Black Lives Matter protest”
  • “Black Vanderbilt prof. latest target of racial protests”
  • Amherst students demand crackdown against free speech”
  • Public university steers students, dollars to Planned Parenthood”
  • Afrikan Black Coalition seeks to ‘overthrow the Constitution,’ ‘stop white people’”
  • Yale student protesters allegedly spit on free speech advocates”
  • Claremont students feel marginalized, demand resources and resignations”
  • “Second Video: Yale, Cornell, and Syracuse administrators destroy ‘oppressive’ Constitution” 

During the Republican debate last week, Senator Marco Rubio said that welders earn more than philosophers. Although his information about salaries was inaccurate, he did have a point. Welders earn considerably less than philosophers but there are more jobs available for welders than for philosophers. Philosophers do possess college credentials but, for recent graduates, there is quite probably a mountain of debt along with that degree and a distinct possibility that the graduate will have difficulty in securing a job to retire the debt.

So the question is this: what value are students receiving for their high-priced degrees? One parent tweeted that sending her child to welding school appears to be preferable to wasting her money at Amherst. A student tweeted that since college is now a joke, he has chosen a trade school instead.

Parents and students can starve these radical education beasts by spending their money at conservative institutions that focus on old-fashioned higher learning. Hillsdale College is widely known for its classical education and graduates who have gone forward to positively influence our government, the economy, and our culture. Outside of military academies, it is one of the few colleges that requires every student to take a course on the Constitution to graduate.

Radical left wing professors can spew their vicious hatred of America and our values and traditions ONLY if someone is willing to pay them to do so.

Let’s give those left wing revolutionaries pink slips and shut down the institutions that provide them a platform to destroy our nation — paid for by we the people!

Your Zip Code Is Now Under the Federal Government’s Control

So you moved to a pricey address to provide you and your family a safe environment from violence, drugs, murders, robberies and to have good schools for the kids. Forget that!

The Obama administration thinks you are discriminating and aims to turn your world, your neighborhood, and your schools upside down.

Through Affirmatively Further Fair Housing (AFFH), President Obama is robbing the suburbs to pay for big city costs. This rabid Saul Alinsky community organizer bought into the insane idea of kool-aid people that urban decay is the fault of those fled to the suburbs with their tax dollars to escape the urban corruption, violence, high taxes, and terrible schools.

In spite of all the government rhetoric, AFFH is about government mandated desegregation of neighborhoods.

AFFH will override local zoning authority and expand federal control over where and how Americans live. Suburban neighborhoods will be forced to build more high-density Section 8 housing in affluent neighborhoods for low income people. If your city has accepted HUD funding, there is no choice but to abide by the radical initiative of AFFH! Not to do so will means the loss of millions of dollars in federal funding.

With Section 8 housing in a neighborhood, schools tend to trend downward in student performance, graduation rates, and college placements. In turn, this decreases property values which results in lower property taxes. For those ISDs which have passed bond issues, lower property taxes will affect the ability of the city to repay the debt. So the vicious cycle is repeated with a tax increase and taxpayer flight to the suburbs.

Yet AFFH is designed to stifle the growth of suburbs. AFFH is really about changing the way Americans live. We are being forced into very high density cities and into mass transportation rather than cars. AFFH will end American local self-rule by a federal regionalist system.

This is the United Nations Agenda 21 playing out around us. It’s much easier to control people in compact areas who are without individual transportation. This restricts movement by the people and makes it much easier for the government to watch who is going where. Federal control is being tightened over education and the minds of our children with the pending passage of ESEA in Washington.

All is going as planned by the leftwing revolutionaries.

How to Stop AFFH

The Gosar Bill, H.R. 1995 designed to stop AFFH, has been filed but has been stalled in the House Judiciary Committee since May 15, 2015. Realistically, the only way we can restore local control is by joint action of a Republican president and a Republican Congress to rescind AFFH and restrict the reach of disparate impact litigation.

Stop All Muslim Immigration to America — Forever!

What do we want America to be like and look like in 5, 10, or 50 years? Do we want to place the American experiment into mothballs? The answer to this question will be determined by our immigration policy.

Do we want to continue to open our doors to illiterates, unskilled labor, and poor people who come here not to assimilate or even to learn our language but for the handouts?

The world is watching in horror as Muslim invaders swarm over Europe, behaving like savages and murdering their hosts. Do we want to open our doors to savages who have a centuries old history of moving into a country, increasing their numbers, killing the citizens, and taking over the host country?

Our choices are these: restore and continue our Christian traditions and values, become a secular nation, or become a Muslim nation. If we try to combine all three, we will look like Europe.

Immigration is not just about the workers, jobs, and economics. Immigration is about the people who become citizens because they determine what our nation and our government will become in the future. 

For those who quibble about radical versus moderate Muslims, the difference is this. Radical Muslims believe that the world must submit NOW to Allah while moderates believe the world will submit to Allah – LATER. The message is the same – the world MUST submit to Allah! When Muslims talk about world peace they really mean that the world has submitted to Islam! It’s not a matter of whether they intend to takeover America, it’s a matter of whether it is NOW or LATER! If we continue to allow them to enter our country, the American Dream will be destroyed. Our existence will be that of beheadings, stoning, whippings, body parts mutilation, and female genital mutilation. A new period of Dark Ages will begin.

Muslims Can Proselytize, But Christians Can’t

Even though American public schools are prohibited by law from proselytizing for a religion, this does not seem to include Islam. Saudi oil money has for decades bought the “right” for Muslims to proselytize in the classroom, teaching non-Muslim students how to practice Islam under the guise of teaching Middle East history, culture, and Arabic.

The purpose for learning Arabic is that Islam requires Muslims to read the Qur’an in Arabic. So how come American public schools are not teaching Hebrew so that Jewish students can read the Holy Bible in Hebrew?

Here are a few of the proselytizing classroom activities in schools across the nation.

  • chant “Praise be to Allah.
  • recite aloud Islamic prayers
  • memorize the Muslim profession of faith
  • wear a necklace with the emblem of the Muslim star and moon crescent
  • wear a burqa
  • wear a robe
  • kneel on a rug and pray while facing in the direction of Mecca
  • learn the Five Pillars of Islam
  • memorize verses of the Qur’an
  • visit a mosque

Of course, if an infidel Christian parent complains, he (I realize that I have committed the unpardonable crime of using “he” to refer to either male or female, but the term ♫ was good for our Founders so it’s good enough for me ♫) is labeled intolerant, racist, hate monger, or worse. The non-compliant Christian student is bullied by the administration and grades and even graduation can be impacted.

Muslims bring neither skills nor money and intend for their host country to permanently support them and to adapt to their ways.

Japan Has It Right on Muslims

In America, we are seeing a rapid influx of Muslims who refuse to even make eye contact in local stores. We are providing them free daycare, free education, free cell phones, free housing, free transportation, free medical care, and cash for their every need. They can bring in their relatives through chain migration. In return, these arrogant and ruthless people despise us and demand even more.

In America, Muslims are demanding foot washing baths at airports, halal food in jails, Arabic studies in public schools and universities, and the banning of pork from public places. They proselytize in public schools while denying the same to Christians. There have been honor killings in Texas and other states.

Our Constitutional Republic founded on Judeo-Christian principles is totally incompatible with Islam and Sharia law. Islam is a system — religion, military, and political — with the Quran calling for the killing of anyone who is not a Muslim, even if they are family members. Bill Federer at American Minute compares the Quran and the Constitution to show how incompatible they are.

Since the Bible and Quran are completely opposite in their teachings, it is impossible to uphold the Constitution using the Quran.

Muslims are open about their intent to shred the Constitution and install Shari’a as the law of the land in America. Their rationale is that Shari’a law is from Allah while the Constitution is manmade.

Japan has chosen to approach Islam differently, both officially and publicly and so has avoided the problems of the West. At the diplomatic level, senior officials in Japan rarely entertain Muslim leaders and rarely visit Muslim countries. The relationship extends only to the Japanese importation of oil and gas products from some Muslim countries.

Muslims who go to Japan are usually employees of foreign companies, although the official policy is to deny entry to Muslims, even engineers, doctors, and managers. Japanese corporations seeking foreign workers let it be known that Muslims need not apply. Construction workers brought in through foreign contractors keep a very low profile.

Permanent residency is seldom granted to Muslims. The official policy is not to grant citizenship to Muslims, regardless of how long they have lived in Japan.

If Muslims are caught proselytizing for Islam, they can be deported and/or jailed.

It is difficult to import Quarans and few mosques exist. The establishment of Muslim organizations is forbidden. Few Arabic classes are found in universities. Men are expected to pray at home and not prostrate themselves collectively in public areas unless they wish to risk jail and/or deportation.

Halal food is not readily available in supermarkets and Shari’a law does not exist at all.

Unlike Americans who get caught in the politically correct trap of trying to distinguish between radical and moderate Muslims, Japan assumes that all Muslims are fundamentalists who are unwilling to give up their barbaric ways and Shari’a law.

Unlike Americans, the Japanese do not find it necessary to apologize for their attitude toward Muslims and their officials politely refrain from answering questions about their discrimination of Muslims.

Unlike America, Japan does not have organizations to defend Muslims against the government nor are there contractors making billions of dollars to resettle Muslim refugees.

Japan, unlike America, protects its workers from migrant workers who would take the jobs of natives. They believe that Japanese jobs are for Japanese workers, even if the labor cost is higher.

We must stop the guilt trip and decide if the United States of America that was founded in 1789 is the nation we want today for ourselves and our children. If it is, then we must return to the Constitution as it was intended by our founders.

We must send packing all immigrants, activist judges, the U.N., and any others who want to change our national heritage and our Constitutional Republic. There are other countries they can destroy, but not ours.


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Lisa Arbercheski

Tragedy and Hope



Don’t let the title fool you. This video is actually about how government-run schooling contributed to the rise of socialism, imperialism and eventually fascism in Germany between the 1890s and 1940s.

Critical Thinking Question:
In school we are led to believe that we are all living in an ideal vision of what society should be…
But whose vision is it?
And what were their ideals?

Based on podcast 025: The Way…

For an expansion of the ideas in this video, check out these episodes of the podcast:
School Sucks #134: The American Way Expanded (1 of 3): The Gasoline-Soaked House…

School Sucks #135: The American Way Expanded (2 of 3): Pyromania…

School Sucks #136: The American Way Expanded (3 of 3): The Matches…

To browse all podcasts, visit

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Destroying our Children’s Love of America

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We can stop this new AP U. S. History (APUSH) course if we as millions of concerned citizens stick together and pressure our local schools NOT to purchase any more College Board products (AP, SAT, PSAT, GED) since David Coleman as president of the College Board and architect of the Common Core has stated that he is aligning them with the Common Core, starting with the APUSH course.  Because the College Board is profit driven, if they see their profits going down the drain, even they will be forced to change direction.  – Donna Garner]




“Child Abuse – Destroying Children’s Love for America”

By Donna Garner

Originally published on 8.6.14; updated on 8.9.14



[Over 650 people nationwide were on this AP U. S. History (APUSH) conference call because of the tremendous concern over the “child abuse” that would occur if our brightest and best students in America are taught to hate America through this newly rewritten, Common Core-aligned,  high-school AP U. S. History course.]


PLEASE LISTEN TO PODCAST OF NATIONAL AP U. S. HISTORY CONFERENCE CALL (8.4.14) Jane Robbins, Larry Krieger, Ken Mercer, and others — 




Sign letter to College Board President David Coleman – Oppose AP U. S. History (APUSH) —




Resources – New AP (Anti) U. S. History Curriculum Framework —




7.18.14 — “Texas Mom Testifies Against #APUSH” — Texas mom Marijane Smitherman has 4 children who have taken a total of 41 Advanced Placement (AP) classes.  She testified at the Texas State Board of Education meeting against the new AP U. S. History course (i.e., APUSH).








8.7.14 – “New AP U. S. History: Greatest Americans Missing from Proposed Curriculum” – by Joshua Rhett Miller — —




7.30.14 — PODCAST – Alice Linahan Radio Show – Hear details on AP U. S. History takeover by the federal government and pushback by concerned citizens  – education bubble about to burst —





7.18.14 –  “Statement by Dan Patrick, Texas State Senator and Republican nominee for Lieutenant Governor against the use of Common Core in AP U. S. History in Texas —




7.14.14 – “Scary New AP. U. S. History Course” — The College Board under David Coleman (architect of the Common Core Standards) is changing AP U. S. History for schools all across America.  —  Interview of Ken Mercer, member of Texas State Board of Education, by Glenn Beck:







Dr. Richard Middleton – Southwest Regional Director for The College Board — 866-392-3017 (Ext. 1808#)


Dr. David Coleman – President of The College Board —  888-225-5427 – Press #6 – talked to clerk who took my name and phone number – said she would escalate my call – to call me back from 5 to 7 days




1.5.05 — “Are We a Republic or a Democracy?” – by Walter Williams – WND —




Link to  — “More than 800 four-year colleges and universities do not use the SAT or ACT to admit substantial numbers of bachelor-degree applicants.”




7.13.14 – “The New AP U. S. History Exam – Deal or No Deal?” — by Jane Robbins, Larry Krieger – Breitbart


7.14.14 – “To Georgia and States Across America: from Jane Robbins of American Principles Project” —


7.12.14 – “Common Core David Coleman’s Next Deception:  The New AP U. S. History Exam” — by Dr. Susan Berry —


7.11.14 — “Texans, Stop AP U. S. History Tests from Being Implemented – Illegal in Texas” — by Donna Garner —


7.10.14 – “ New War Over High School U. S. History” by Stanley Kurtz – National Review


7.7.14 –“Dinesh D’Souza’s America and Our Schools” – by Stanley Kurtz – National Review


6.24.14 — “David Coleman Attacks Students’ Love of America” — by Donna Garner —


6.22.14 – “Urgent: AP US History Framework Tied to Common Core – Illegal in Texas” – by Donna Garner —

7.30.14 – Video — “Dr. Duke Pesta Exposes Common Core” —





(This 5-Part Series on Common Core was recorded before the new AP (Anti) U. S. History Framework came out in June 2014.  The new APUSH verifies all of the concerns that Jane Robbins and others have shared about Common Core.)  


Pt. 1 of 5:

Pt. 2 of 5:

Pt. 3 of 5:

Pt. 4 of 5:

Pt. 5 of 5:




Donna Garner





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“Common Core David Coleman’s Next Deception:  The New AP U. S. History Exam:


By Dr. Susan Berry

Polls increasingly show that as more Americans learn about the Common Core standards, they don’t like what they see.

Hopefully, Americans will feel the same way as they learn more about how the new Advanced Placement (AP) U.S. History exam will decimate the teaching of traditional American history, turning it into a leftist view of an America that is based on identity politics rather than a Constitution meant to protect the rights of individual freedoms.


The new AP U.S. History exam has been authorized under David Coleman, known as the “architect” of the Common Core standards and, now, the president of the College Board, the organization responsible for the SAT college entrance exam and the various Advanced Placement exams.


Conservative commentator Stanley Kurtz, a contributing editor for National Review Online, wrote on Thursday about the secretive manner in which the AP U.S. History exam was rolled out as well as the significance of this new exam.


“We are witnessing a coordinated, two-pronged effort to effectively federalize all of American K-12 education, while shifting its content sharply to the left,” Kurtz states.


He explains that while the College Board under Coleman has put on a public display of a lengthy “framework” for the new AP U.S. History exam, that framework actually contains only a few sample questions.


“Sources tell me, however, that a complete sample exam has to be released, although only to certified AP U.S. History teachers,” Kurtz continues. “Those teachers have been warned, under penalty of law and the stripping of their AP teaching privileges, not to disclose the content of the new sample AP U.S. History exam to anyone.”


Perhaps Coleman’s method of operations with the AP U.S. History exam is more recognizable now since it is one and the same as the method used in stifling public access to the Common Core standards. With the latter, English and Language Arts expert Dr. Sandra Stotsky and mathematician Dr. James Milgram, who were both invited to be members of the Common Core Validation Committee — apparently for little more than to serve as “window dressing” — said they were sworn to secrecy not to reveal discussions at their meetings with the committee. Subsequently, their recommendations regarding the standards were then promptly ignored by Coleman and the other lead writers.


Public access to the Common Core standards was also curtailed through a liaison with the federal government in which states could be enticed into adopting the standards by dangling federal funding and the promise of relief from federal No Child Left Behind restrictions in front of their eyes.


Without much ado, 45 state boards of education, having been strengthened in power over local school boards through years of legislation as well as a useful relationship with the U.S. Department of Education, adopted the unproven, untested standards — sight unseen.


Coleman’s achievement of keeping Common Core from public and media scrutiny is extraordinary when considering that the standards were developed by three private organizations in Washington, D.C.: the National Governors Association (NGA), the Council for Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), and progressive education company Achieve Inc. All three organizations were privately funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and none of these groups are accountable to parents, teachers, students, or taxpayers.


In addition, there is no official information about who selected the individuals to write the Common Core standards. None of the writers of the math and English Language Arts standards have ever taught math, English, or reading at the K-12 level. In addition, the Standards Development Work Groups did not include any members who were high school English and mathematics teachers, English professors, scientists, engineers, parents, state legislators, early childhood educators, and state or local school board members.


With his attention now turned to the AP U.S. History exam, Coleman is simply repeating a method that worked well for him with Common Core.


“This is clearly an effort to silence public debate over these heavily politicized and illegitimately nationalized standards,” writes Kurtz. “If the complete sample test was available, the political nature of the new test would become evident. Public scrutiny of the sample test would also expose potential conflicts between the new exam and existing state standards.”


Another deception observed by Kurtz is the College Board’s claim that the highly controlled new framework for AP U.S. History can be adapted according to the preferences of individual states, school districts, and teachers.


Once again, the parallel here is the now predictable pro-Common Core talking point that “the standards are not curriculum.” Supporters of the controversial standards claim teachers and local school districts can choose whichever curriculum they desire to comply with the standards. Of course, if they want their students to pass the Common Core-aligned tests, their best bet is to choose Common Core-aligned textbooks and lesson plans, which means content will be coming from those.


Regarding the AP U.S. History exam, Kurtz says that while it is true that the new AP framework allows teachers to include their own examples, the framework “also insists that the examples must be used to illustrate the themes and concepts behind the official College Board vision.”


Consequently, Kurtz observes:


The upshot is that James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and the other founders are largely left out of the new test, unless they are presented as examples of conflict and identity by class, gender, race, ethnicity, etc. The Constitution can be studied as an example of the Colonists’ belief in the superiority of their own culture, for instance. But any teacher who presents a full unit on the principles of the American Constitution taught in the traditional way would be severely disadvantaging his students. So while allowing some minor flexibility on details, the new AP U.S. History framework effectively forces teachers to train their students in a leftist, blame-America-first reading of history, while omitting traditional treatments of our founding principles.


Fortunately, leading the charge against Coleman’s latest deception, the new AP U.S. History exam, is Texas, which comprises about 10 percent of the College Board’s market.


As Kurtz explains, Ken Mercer, a member of the Texas School Board, is attempting to introduce a resolution that would rebuke and reject the new AP U.S. History exam. Mercer is being told, however, that the resolution cannot be introduced until September, when it will be too late.


Considering that if Texas could reject the new AP History exam the entire project could be cast into limbo, Ken Mercer needs to introduce his resolution.


Kurtz urges Texans to demand that Mercer’s resolution be introduced and passed as soon as possible. Meanwhile, the other 49 states should demand similar action.


“The public should also insist that the College Board release its heretofore secret sample AP U.S. History test for public scrutiny and debate,” Kurtz adds. “There is no excuse for withholding this test from the public.”


“The controversy over the AP U.S. History Test is going to transform the national battle over Common Core,” Kurtz told Breitbart News. “The changes to the AP U.S. History Exam, enforced by none other than David Coleman, architect of the Common Core, confirm widespread fears that the Common Core will lead to politicized indoctrination.”


“Up to now, Coleman and his allies have done their best to avoid overtly ideological moves,” he continued. “Now they’ve tipped their hand. The AP controversy is going to energize the anti-Common Core forces and push this battle to a whole new level.”


“The AP controversy will also make it vastly harder for anyone to claim that Common Core is a conservative reform,” Kurtz added. “Battle lines will soon harden and the controversy over K-12 education in America is about to take off.”


According to Education Views, Texans are alerted to contact the Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott’s office and urge him to stop the AP U.S. History exam from being implemented this fall. More information can be found here.


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55 Things About America You May Not Know

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By Michael Synder


Is America the greatest nation on the planet?  Before you answer that question, you might want to check out the statistics that I have shared in this article first.  The reality is that the United States is in a deep state of decline, and it is getting harder to deny that fact with each passing day.  Mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually and financially we are a train wreck.  Many that are “patriotic” attempt to put a happy face on our growing problems, but the truly patriotic thing to do is to admit just how bad things have gotten so that we can start finding solutions.  If you truly love this country, then you should know that this nation needs a huge wake up call.  We have abandoned the values and the principles that early Americans held so dear, and as a result our society is a giant mess.  The following are 55 things about America that you may not know…

#1 We are supposed to have a government “of the people, by the people, for the people”, but only 25 percent of all Americans know how long U.S. Senators are elected for (6 years), and only 20 percent of all Americans know how many U.S. senators there are.

#2 Americans spend more on health care per capita than anyone else in the world by far, and yet we only rank 35th in life expectancy.

#3 Only one state in the entire country has an obesity rate of under 20 percent.  11 states have an obesity rate of over 30 percent.

#4 Of all the major industrialized nations, America is the most obese.  Mexico is #2.

#5 Back in 1962, only 13 percent of all Americans were obese, but it is being projected that 42 percent of all Americans could be obese by the year 2030.

#6 According to a new report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 31 percent of all food in the United States gets wasted.  In case you were wondering, that amounts to approximately 133 billion pounds of food a year.

#7 America has the highest incarceration rate and the largest total prison population in the entire world by a wide margin.

#8 In America, we even put 81-year-old women in prison for feeding the birds.

#9 According to a Newsweek survey taken a few years ago, 29 percent of all Americans could not even name the vice president.

#10 Americans spend more time sitting in traffic than anyone else in the world.

#11 60 percent of Americans report feeling “angry or irritable”.  Two years ago that number was at 50 percent.

#12 36 percent of Americans admit that they have yelled at a customer service agent during the past year.

#13 Only 30 percent of all Americans can tell you in what year the 9/11 attacks happened.

#14 There are more “deaths by reptile” in America than anywhere else in the world.

#15 Right now, 29 percent of all Americans under the age of 35 are living with their parents.

#16 Average SAT scores have been falling for years, and the level of education that our kids are receiving in most of our public schools is a total joke.

#17 According to a study conducted by the Mayo Clinic, nearly 70 percent of all Americans are on at least one prescription drug.  An astounding 20 percent of all Americans are on at least five prescription drugs.

#18 Americans spend more than 280 billion dollars on prescription drugs each year.

#19 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, doctors in the United States write more than 250 million prescriptions for antidepressants each year.

#20 Children in the United States are three times more likely to be prescribed antidepressants than children in Europe are.

#21 In the United States today, prescription painkillers kill more Americans than heroin and cocaine combined.

#22 America has the highest rate of illegal drug use on the entire planet.

#23 According to the federal government, the number of heroin addicts in the United States has more than doubled since 2002.

#24 It is hard to believe, but 56 percent of all Americans now have “subprime credit”.

#25 America exports more weapons to other countries than anyone else in the world.

#26 The United States has the most complicated tax system on the entire planet.

#27 Corruption is rampant throughout our society.  In fact, America leads the world in money given to fake charities.

#28 America leads the world in soft drink consumption by a wide margin.  Today, the average American drinks more than 600 sodas a year.

#29 In 2008, 53 percent of all Americans considered themselves to be “middle class”.  In 2014, only 44 percent of all Americans consider themselves to be “middle class”.

#30 70 percent of Americans do not “feel engaged or inspired at their jobs”.

#31 40 percent of all workers in the United States actually make less than what a full-time minimum wage worker made back in 1968 after you account for inflation.

#32 Back in the 1970s, about one out of every 50 Americans was on food stamps.  Today, about one out of every 6 Americans is on food stamps.

#33 The marriage rate in the United States has fallen to an all-time low.  Right now it is sitting at a yearly rate of 6.8 marriages per 1000 people.

#34 In the United States today, more than half of all couples “move in together” before they get married.

#35 America has the highest divorce rate in the world by a good margin.

#36 America has the highest percentage of one person households on the entire planet.

#37 100 years ago, 4.52 were living in the average U.S. household, but now the average U.S. household only consists of 2.59 people.

#38 According to the Pew Research Center, only 51 percent of all American adults are currently married.  Back in 1960, 72 percent of all adults in the United States were married.

#39 For women under the age of 30 in the United States, more than half of all babies are being born out of wedlock.

#40 At this point, approximately one out of every three children in the United States lives in a home without a father.

#41 In 1970, the average woman had her first child when she was 21.4 years old.  Now the average woman has her first child when she is 25.6 years old.

#42 America has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the world by a very wide margin.

#43 Approximately one out of every four teen girls in the United States has at least one sexually transmitted disease.

#44 America has the highest STD infection rate in the entire industrialized world.

#45 According to the latest figures released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, there are 20 million new sexually-transmitted infections in the United States every single year, and Americans in the 15 to 24-year-old age range account for approximately 50 percent of those new sexually-transmitted infections.

#46 As I wrote about recently, there are 747,408 registered sex offenders in the U.S. according to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.

#47 America produces more pornography than any other nation in the world.

#48 America has the most lawyers per capita in the entire world.

#49 If you choose to be a “Constitutionalist” in America today, you may get labeled as a potential terrorist by the U.S. government.

#50 America has the largest national debt in the history of the world.  Back in 1980, the U.S. national debt was less than one trillion dollars.  Today, it is over 17 trillion dollars.

#51 According to the Congressional Budget Office, interest payments on the national debt will nearly quadruple over the next ten years.

#52 Americans spend more money on elections than anyone else does in the world by a very wide margin.

#53 65 percent of Americans are dissatisfied “with the U.S. system of government and its effectiveness”.  That is the highest level of dissatisfaction that Gallup has ever recorded.

#54 Only 8 percent of Americans believe that Congress is doing a “good” or “excellent” job.

#55 70 percent of Americans do not have confidence that the federal government will “make progress on the important problems and issues facing the country in 2014.”


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BUILDING THE MACHINE – A film about the Common Core

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December 5, 2013

Dear HSLDA members and friends of homeschooling,

President Barack Obama calls the Common Core State Standards “the most meaningful reform of our public schools in a generation.”

But they are also arguably the most controversial education reform in America’s history. In Building the Machine, Home School Legal Defense Association and Distant Moon Media Group team up to bring you a fast-paced behind-the-scenes tour of the Common Core: how it was developed, who’s paying for it, and how it’s rapidly turning into a set of national standards.

“The federal takeover involved no teacher or parent input,” reports the Huffington Post.

“I’m trying to think of something analogous to this—that slipped through so easily on a national basis—and I really can’t,” wonders Dr. Andrew Hacker, a political scientist at Queens College CUNY.

“The biggest misperception that Common Core proponents push on people is that there is any evidence that a system like Common Core will benefit children,” says Joy Pullmann, research fellow at the Heartland Institute.

“It takes power from the parent,” Pioneer Institute Executive Director Jim Stergios says, “and de-incentivizes the parent from a deep and abiding interest in their child’s education.”

“People need to know about the Common Core,” states Dr. Michael McShane, research fellow at American Enterprise Institute, “because standards undergird everything in the education system.”

This documentary uncovers truths you won’t be told by the mainstream media.

Will the Common Core State Standards lead to higher achievement or they will dumb down the curriculum—and our students? Where is the research to show they will work? And what impact will they have on not only public schools, but private schools and homeschools as well?

This is a story about American’s future, reform, hidden agendas, and the battle for our children’s education. Don’t miss it!

Watch the trailer >>



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Dad Arrested for Speaking out Against Common Core!

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Robert Small of Towson, Maryland attended an open forum to get his questions answered regarding Common Core standards. It did not take long for those attending to realize those running the meeting had no intentions of answering genuine questions from parents or concerned citizens. The meeting was set up to stifle free speech and followup questions when parents were asked to submit question in writing ahead of time. When Small when off script and stood up to ask his questions despite the meeting format he was then escorted out my an armed officer moonlighting as a security guard. Small was arrested and charged with 2nd degree assault though no assault visibly took place, facing a $2500.00 fine and up to 10 years in prison. All charges have sensed been dropped.

If America doesn’t wake up to what is going on they are in for some hard times. Texas at this moment has stifled their teachers from speaking out against the use of CSCOPE/Project Based Learning. The only ones that have spoken are the ones that are in position to retire or they have quit teaching. And then we have those that expose what is going on anonymously. While many chose to buy into the progressive agenda and are naive to the growing threat of fascism in America.



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EMPATHY AND THE COMMON CORE: “Oh, say can you feel?”

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by Merrill Hope

Empathetic learning is all the rage in the Common Core.  They call it SEL (Social & Emotional Learning).  Sort of like the newfangled “empathetic medicine” where I suppose the surgeon feels the pain of the patient.  Hopefully, not while operating.   Yup, put yourself right into someone else’s shoes, literally.  Not sympathy where I feel your pain but rather, I KNOW your pain.  Yup, empathy.  Well, your 9-year-old better have a whole lot of it 10 months a year, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8am-3pm   because, like with everything else in CCSS (Common Core State Standards), empathy’s been revised, rebranded and repackaged for the 21st Century classroom.


So, what is empathy?  Webster’s defines it as the “identification with and understanding of the thoughts and feelings of another.” Well, I’m not so sure that little Johnny has very much of that character trait under his kindergarten belt.  How can he possibly identify with something he hasn’t lived to understand or have the learned trait of compassion for the feelings of another human being?  He can’t. 


Empathy is a feeling “deep in your soul, you were half now you’re whole…” That’s why you are a “people who needs people.”  But at this age, little Johnny isn’t among the luckiest people in the world.  He only knows the pain of a time out.  Nope, a 5-6-7-8-9 year old really doesn’t care all that much about his classmate’s feelings.  However, we are legislating empathetic learning in a classroom, ever walking the proverbial fine line between education and indoctrination. 


Yes, empathy is a great trait; however, we humans don’t really begin to flex our empathetic muscle much until after we set foot in a world outside of me, myself and I.  For some, that day never comes but for most of us, we get there through life’s experiences.  Yeah, move out of mom and dad’s basement!  Enter the rat race! Lose your job or a loved one!  Have a few joys and sorrows, successes and failures!  Still can’t find your empathy, become a parent.   Instant empathy!


But this is not how our children are coming to empathy compliments of CASEL (Collaborative Academic, Social & Emotional Learning); and this is the public educational mindset that’s been in a classroom for at least 10 years.   In fact, the 2013 CASEL guide titled “Effective Social and Emotional Learning Programs: Preschool and Elementary school edition” is “dedicated to advancing the science and practice of school-based social and emotional learning (SEL).  CASEL’s mission statement is to “make social and emotional learning an integral part of education from preschool through high school.”  Maybe that’s why there’s so little time for exact sciences, concrete math and classic literature. 


But what CASEL calls empathy isn’t empathy at all.  It’s sympathy.  You can feel or project feelings onto another person’s situation without ever experiencing it.  Ever see that online video of the British school children absolutely out-of-their-minds, sobbing, as they describe the many ways climate change and human beings are killing Mother Earth?  That’s sympathetic-learning.  Well, maybe, Clockwork Orange-style learning.


So, let’s look at sympathy, what we feel for our fellow humans sans the actual shared experience.  Sympathy is defined as a “relationship between individuals in which whatever affects one affects the other in a similar way; the capacity to share another’s feelings.”  But don’t let that dramatic difference stop the Common Core classroom where empathy is systematically implemented as a social skills tool used connotatively to mean sympathy.  Can you say Newspeak? 


Linda Darling-Hammond, a major stakeholder in CCSS and CSCOPE, sits on the CASEL board of directors while other esteemed colleagues hail from the reaches of the Fed Led Ed creative hub, the University of Chicago.  Should we be trusting these same folks, many of whom are behind the Common Core, to design these litmus tests of acceptable and “positive social behavior” for our children and future generations? 

Furthermore, CASEL touts it “began the tradition of identifying SELect programs in its ‘Safe and Sound: An Educational Leaders Guide to Evidence-Based Social and Emotional Learning” as far back as 2003; CASEL even self-proclaims their corresponding documentation as groundbreaking because it provided an overview of the SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) field.   Was there an outbreak of low E that year?  Was there an outcry for higher E-quotient?


There has been a meteoric rise  of the IEP (Individual Education Plan) over the past decade.  Any correlation to CASEL and their SELect?  In California, 2005 was a pivotal year in the redefinition of social/emotional/mental health in the classroom.  Check-listed traits of high-functioning autism were broadened on the spectrum and lobbyists fetched big bucks for many of our local public schools.  That same year little golden state suburban school districts used a peculiar term to describe a kindergartner’s behavior: “Little Johnny has no empathy.”


Long gone are the days where kids can be kids in school, especially little boys who, by nature, are empathy-deficient and are genetically wired to resolve differences with their fists.  But in the empathetic classroom we will have none of that behavior.  In fact, you might need to glue that fidgety kindergarten boy to that floor mat during story time.  Move and it may be ADHD.  By the way, have you heard that Common Core and Pearson have a “bonafide” tool to test for that now?  Yup. Bona-fide ADHD.


So what happens to the perfect child when (s)/he slips up?  Oh no, little Johnny woke up on the wrong side of the bed.  He is not feeling very empathetic.  He is feeling 6.  He’s had an outburst, punched a kid on the playground and now is crying.  He also called a kid a mean name and he brought peanut butter in his lunchbox. Red alert!  Little Johnny is now on the SEL radar but that’s okay because the intervention team is right around the corner, lined up as far as the eye can see! They are ready to assess, checklist, diagnose and make a empathy plan for your kid all under the safe school policies of your 21st Century public school education code.  But wait, did little Johnny destroy property?  Defame the schoolyard? Burn down a building?  Nope, just a little low E.


For all its claims of unbridled rigor, CCSS is a social & emotional learning apparatus.  CASEL brings the five competencies directly to your child’s hard drive: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision making.  In theory, great ideas.  In reality,  to do all or any one of these things requires the ability to “recognize one’s emotions and thoughts” and their real or perceived impact on others around them.  It requires regulating one’s emotions, thoughts and behaviors during school hours.  This also includes “managing stress, controlling impulses, motivating oneself, and setting and working toward achieving personal and academic goals.”  Isn’t that a lot for a 3rd grader to do besides cursive.  Oh, I forgot, no cursive in school anymore. 


Today, children must have the wherewithal to “take the perspective of and empathize with others from diverse backgrounds and cultures, to understand social and ethical norms for behavior…” while maintaining “healthy and rewarding relationships with diverse individuals and groups.  This includes communicating clearly, listening actively, cooperating, resisting inappropriate social pressure, negotiating conflict constructively, and seeking and offering help when needed.” Is this before or after lunch? 


You know, by all internet accounts and puff pieces on Bill Gates, Michael Dell, and the late Steve Jobs, doesn’t seem any of the above were engaged or empathetic students in their K-12 days.  Yet these very same hands are all over 21st Century learning data-mining machine.   Oh, for goodness sake, how could such self-absorbed, self-involved and empathy-deficient boys grow up to become astounding innovators and entrepreneurs?  These are the traits of focused, geeky, genius, inspired, free-market leaning capitalists, not social entrepreneurs. Wonder how they would fare in today’s public school climate?   Asperger’s, Oppositional Defiance and ADHD with a side of OCD? IEPs for all.  You have to wonder though, does this brave new “empathy” move us closer to Orwell’s vision than to Einstein’s vision of the future.  Einstein, not the best student either…


Mom, dad, you okay with all this? 

Merrill Hope is a contributing writer to Save America Foundation who has also blogged for other outlets including City on A Hill and Lady Patriots.   Her articles have also appeared in As A Mom’s (AAM) MinuteMom Magazine.  Over the years, she’s inked articles and columns for the Hollywood Reporter and Backstage West.  A founding member of CURE (Citizens United for Responsible Educaiton), a chair on AAM Workshop and a guest speaker, she is also on Twitter @ Merrill  Hope @outoftheboxmom.

Sources at;;

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Where Is The Outrage? Christians are being Persecuted!!

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Today Coptic Christians are being murdered and tortured in Egypt. At least 42  churches have been burned down and destroyed. Where is the OUTRAGE? Does Obama care? Do Americans care? America has become so complacent and believes persecution will not make it’s way to our shores. With the removal of prayer in schools, the murder of the unborn through abortion, America has turned it’s face away from God.

The IRS under the Obama administration has been noted to ask a pro-life group to disclose “content of it’s members prayers”. Seriously? Has America come to this?  The absurdity of this question alerts one to the mentality of the left and the havoc they are reaping on America along with the ripping away of American Exceptionalism. Can Christian persecution come to America?  You bet it can and will if American values and America’s exceptionalism are not once again instilled in our children! Our education system in America has been the greatest contributor to removing those cherished values and principals from our next generation.

America, the Greatest Country in the World,  the envy of millions world wide is coming apart from the inside out. There are thousands who have made it their goal in life to tear America apart but many more are unaware that they are contributing to this foreseeable destruction. The Christian principals that are weaved into America’s founding and the values that have contributed to 200+ years of religious freedom are no longer taught in our education system. Students are taught the religion of globalization and environmentalism. America will not survive this. In my fight against the Texas Education establishment and their implementation of a progressive teaching philosophy, called CSCOPE aka Project Based Learning known nationally as Common Core, educators come out in droves claiming their Christianity. I  have never questioned their faith but I question on behalf of their faith how can they be so ignorant of the progressive agenda and the impending doom it will have on all of our children’s future. God’s word says in Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”.

At a time when education takes up the majority of our budget and is at the forefront of every election campaign, I am reminded of the speech by Ronald Reagan “A Time for Choosing”, where he said “It’s not that our liberal friends are ignorant, it’s just that they know so much that isn’t true”. Wake up America! Persecution is coming!


More on the persecution of Christian persecution go to




EGYPT Coptic Church Set Ablaze (By Muslim Brotherhood Supporters?)



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America’s True Heros…God Bless Them

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This brought tears to my eyes watching these men and women returning home to their loved ones.

Thank you men and women for your service. You are truly America’s Heros and it is the blood & sacrifice that has been paid by many over the years that we enjoy the freedom we do today. God Bless you!


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America: The Newest Banana Republic

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The travesties visited on the nation by the Imperial President’s regime are legion that are turning America into a banana republic: Government takeovers of private industry, Fast and Furious, the DOJ’s refusal to prosecute black law breakers, astronomical expenditures initiated by Obama (still being blamed on his predecessor), illegal interim appointments, downplaying persistent Islamic violence, encouraging friendships with and giving financial aid to nations hostile to America while decimating US defenses and boosting foreign military might are just a few examples.

These qualify for banana republic status.

Now we have Benghazi, IRS wrongdoing, and persecution of the press. Despite this, there is a dogged, blinkered segment of the population which gives Our Dear Leader and his administration a free pass. Joblessness, misery, and looming financial ruin are at catastrophic levels, yet his approval rating, according to Gallup and Rasmussen polls, is currently 49%. Why?

Benghazi has been proven to be a political cover-up.

Hillary Clinton has an enormous cadre of leftists slavering for her to throw her hat in the presidential ring in 2016. Why, Michael Bolton (who?) would “walk across the country” if it would encourage that outcome. No one has held Obama to account for Benghazi. Where was he? No one knows . . . and no one is asking. John Boehner refused to form a select committee to investigate. Boehner doesn’t believe that the situation has “yet risen to that level.” No? Why?

The IRS is springing so many leaks that if it was a ship it would be kissing the ocean’s sandy bottom. It turns out that Douglas Shulman, former Commissioner of the IRS, visited the White House 118 times in two years. That averages more than once a week. Why? The IRS Commissioner’s is not a policy making post; the position merely carries out policy. Shulman’s predecessor, Mark Everson, also visited the White House under President Bush. He visited once during his four-year tenure from 2003-2007.

Lois Lerner’s story also grows ever more corrupt. The latest disclosure of her activities indicates that she  personally granted tax-exempt status to the Action for a Progressive Future in 2011. Not just any liberal organization, this “foundation” is run by Obama’s half-brother, Abongo “Roy” Malik Obama. According to The Daily Caller, however, Lerner’s involvement was even more grotesquely dishonest than it first appeared:

“In the month before the foundation was granted tax-exempt status, the National Legal and Policy Center filed a complaint with the IRS, asking why the group was allowed to solicit tax-deductible contributions when it had not applied for a determination. That’s when Lerner gave it the retroactive exemption back to December 2008.”

How can this massive cesspool continue to be disregarded?

Even with all the above, Obama remains untouchable. Any 0ther president would have been run out of office during his first term. But liberal doctrine doesn’t sanction objectivity.

Delusional pigheadedness doesn’t change reality no matter how desperately liberals and RINOs want it to. Ignorance of the law is not a defense against breaking the law. Neither is ignorance an excuse for a lack of political comprehension. But it surely is a path toward becoming a banana republic.

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Must See Videos

A collection of videos related to Jihad, Creeping Sharia, and the Islamization of the West. AMERICA MUST WAKE UP…PLEASE EDUCATE YOURSELF.




What Islam IS. (The Project)

Kuwaiti Muslims relish thought of killing Americans in Washington, D.C. with anthrax

Islam will conquer all of Europe, and America too – North and South.

The Third Jihad





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