Is Aransas County ISD Deceiving Parents?

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The new Math TEKS were implemented this school year,  2014/2015. The  math Teks greatly aligned with the common core standards. Due to the outrage not only from parents and teachers relating to the complexity of the new TEKS the Texas Commissioner of Education released the following statement stating that the STAAR scores for grades 3rd through the 8th were excluded from the state accountability system. In other words there was no repercussion to the students that did not pass the math STAAR test.

Aransas County ISD seems to want to capitalize on their student’s failures. The following was sent to a student at Aransas County’s  Live Oak Learning Center  stating the student failed the STAAR Math and needed to attend districts Summer School program. Why? . Surely the district is aware the students math STAAR scores were excluded for grades 3-8.






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Texas Warning: Transformation of Public School using Marxist Philosophy

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Texas Schools are going through radical transformation and not for the better. Students are suffering with low grades and good teachers are frustrated and leaving the profession or going to private schools. Districts along with outside associations like Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA), Texas Association of School Boards (TASB), Texas Education Service Centers and others have been working on implementing Project Based Learning (PBL), built on constructivism. Individual achievement is no longer emphasized and students are now working in groups in hopes of creating diversity, equity and globalization. American Exceptionalism is no longer taught.


Aransas County Independent School District is getting ready to hold a community meeting in regard to their district progressive transformation. This meeting will be a Delphi meeting giving the public the opinion that your opinions will be valued and taken into consideration after the meeting. Appearances can be deceiving. The district administration already has a plan in place and this meeting is nothing more than a consensus meeting designed to further support the plan giving the appearance that the community was involved in designing or approving their plan. Here is an explanation of the Delphi Technique. 





Working to expose the corruption I hear from teachers and others across the state venting their frustration with their district. These individuals do not want to be identified out of fear of losing their job. I asked one individual was was the major complaint with their district and the responded with the following…….

coppell 1



Combating the mind manipulation of the Delphi Technique

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