Decatur ISD Partners with United Nations for Education Transformation!

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Texas School District Decatur ISD along with most school district across Texas are on a path of implementing a Marxist Philosophy of Education, based on the constructionist Theory. Decatur ISD continues to utilize the controversial online curriculum Cscope, aka Teks Resource System. The teaching philosophy of Cscope is based on the collective not individual achievement called Project Based Learning (PBL).

Superintendent Rod Townsend has been actively involved for years working with Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) along with other superintendents to transform Texas Education. The lingo they have adopted is “FUTURE READY”

rod townsend

Below is a list of Texas Superintendents that have joined together to form the Future Ready Superintendent Leadership Institute.

future ready

On Decatur ISD’s website there is a tab at the top titled FUTURE READY. You will see various resources of the districts transformation agenda. Superintendents across the state have joined together in creating a New Vision document for Texas.

Under PARTNERS it shows the following organizations, Apple and Connected Consulting. George Saltsman works with Connected Consulting and is a policy advisor to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).



george saltman bio




Link to Unesco Document Below. 


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