WARNING Crosby ISD Students Receive Progressive Education

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Patricia Kay


CROSBY ISD assistant superintendent of Instruction, Patricia Kay was selected as the ESC 6 CSCOPE Outstanding Assistant Superintendent for the 12-13 school year. What did Ms. Kay achieve for this wonderful accomplishment? Use your tax money to purchase the progressive CSCOPE curriculum. Congrats Ms. Kay on this accomplishment.

Ms. Kay posted the following tweet on Twitter in regard to my fight against the progressive/Marxist curriculum CSCOPE. I find it unbelievable how many Texas administrators who are responsible for educating our children have no problem with a Curriculum System that promotes a positive view of Islam and Communism, negative view of Christianity, not to mention demonizes parents and calls the Boston Tea Party a Terrorist Act.

patricia Kay


Though Ms. Kay’s tweet was meant as ridicule I am honored to be called an “EXTREMIST” when it comes to protecting Texas School Children from these radical progressive views. These radical views are supported by Texas organizations TASA, TASB, National Education Agency and the United Nations.

Crosby ISD is in the process of working with Texas Association of School Administrators in TRANSFORMING the districts education system. On Crosby ISD website you will find documents supporting their agenda of this transformation.

crosby isd


One document under Planning Committee Documents is titled 21st Century Curriculum Skills and Instruction outlines they goal of changing the education 3 R’s from reading, ‘riting, ‘rithmetic to Rigor, Relevance and Respect all for the common good.

common good

Crosby ISD Superintendent Dr. Keith Moore


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