CSCOPE: Alive and Well

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cscope is alive


I don’t think I have personally witnessed such a huge money laundering scheme in my life. Texas homeowners are burdened with huge property value increases. We have school districts passing school bonds screaming they need more money to better educate our children. I assure you MONEY is not the problem MONEY MANAGEMENT is the problem.

This became quite clear when I and others discovered and researched the Texas online curriculum management system in 2013.  Cscope was not purchased by school districts but rented by 90% of Texas School Districts yearly from their local Education Service Centers for thousands of dollars.

The Texas Attorney General,  Greg Abbott requested a State Audit of Cscope in 2014. The State Auditor’s Report showed there was over 6 Million unaccounted for.  As  of today no one person responsible for this has been indicted and the money laundering scheme continues.

After Cscope’s damaged reputation to recover some viability the name was changed to the Teks Resource System. They removed the horrible lessons and Assessments. What is remaining and rented for up to millions statewide is criminal.

What is remaining can accessed off of the TEA website for FREE. But that would be to easy and financial responsible. Do our Texas Representatives care?


Below you will see that Frenship ISD rented the Teks Resource System for the 2015/2016 school year for $46,290.00.  Superintendents are funneling money into these Cesspools securing them a place to retire among other things.








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