Texas STEM Academies contribute to the Decline of American Sovereignty

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“21st Century Learning Skills” has become the  “MANTRA” of progressive educators in hopes of implementing a total transformation in how students are taught with the end result being globalization, diversity and equity. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!! Watch the video below and see what our educators have in mind when it comes to teaching you child…America will not last under this transformation which has a foothold in our Texas Schools.


America’s sovereignty is being torn apart at the seams and the Texas Education Agency is contributing to its demise. Through State, Federal and Grant funding the Texas Education Agency has set up Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Academies across the State of Texas. STEM Academies work to transform the way students are educated with the use of a Marxist teaching philosophy of Project Based Learning (PBL). PBL is based on the collective and not individual achievement. Absolute truth is not taught and everything is up for debate within a collective group.

The idea of project based learning is to create diversity and equity; with the United Nations is backing the agenda. IRINA BOKAVA, the Director General of  UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations, (UNESCO) was quoted as saying….



It does not take long with a little research to see the tie to Obama’s agenda, global organizations and STEM. Don’t get me wrong I love the STEM disciplines but the STEM flag being waved here takes on a whole new agenda than just educating your children… the goad is a total transformation

Texas STEM Funding


t-stem funding

Texas STEM Centers

stem centers


Below is ESC REGION 13 Summer Schedule for their STEM Transformation Institutes.

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ESC #1 STEM Workshops for 2012/2013

tstem esc1

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Thank you, thank you, thank you! I do not know what control this thing has over superintendents, but    it’s a scary thing! Prior to the hiring of our supt., we had district curriculum consultants who with teachers’ assistance, developed curriculum calendars for all subjects. Our ELA scores were amazing! And then the current supt rolls in. Cscope is the bible, Cscope is the National Archives, Cscope is everything a teacher needs….if you listen to the supt. Countless meetings have been held with the assistant supt. to share concerns but to no avail.
I have gone from a teacher having the confidence that I could accomplish anything in the classroom to a teacher that hasn’t known which end is up. Metaphors are our mantra…a ship without a rudder, a kite without a string, a compass without a needle.
How sad that education in our district wears the mask of deceit. I just wish that sanity could return to our classrooms.
Thank you so much for your continued work in exposing Cscope for what it is. Isn’t it interesting that this conflict has never been experienced over a textbook adoption?

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