Open Records Request for Cscope Financials

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    Freshman Texas House Representative Steve Toth has released the following press release stating that his office as filed an open records request for the financials and meeting minutes of the  Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC) who owns the controversial Texas Curriculum, Cscope. Cscope has come under fire lately from the Texas Senate Education Committee due to the grassroots effort of exposing the progressive/Marxist curriculum. Cscope has been in the Texas school system for the last 6-7 years without parent or community knowledge due to the stealth tactics taken by the board of directors of TESCCC of not releasing lesson content to parents and having teachers sign a non-disclosure statement that they would not release material or say anything negative about it. For information on Cscope check out TXCSCOPEREVIEW.COM

Steve Toth Press Release

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