Decatur ISD Partners with United Nations for Education Transformation!

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Texas School District Decatur ISD along with most school district across Texas are on a path of implementing a Marxist Philosophy of Education, based on the constructionist Theory. Decatur ISD continues to utilize the controversial online curriculum Cscope, aka Teks Resource System. The teaching philosophy of Cscope is based on the collective not individual achievement called Project Based Learning (PBL).

Superintendent Rod Townsend has been actively involved for years working with Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) along with other superintendents to transform Texas Education. The lingo they have adopted is “FUTURE READY”

rod townsend

Below is a list of Texas Superintendents that have joined together to form the Future Ready Superintendent Leadership Institute.

future ready

On Decatur ISD’s website there is a tab at the top titled FUTURE READY. You will see various resources of the districts transformation agenda. Superintendents across the state have joined together in creating a New Vision document for Texas.

Under PARTNERS it shows the following organizations, Apple and Connected Consulting. George Saltsman works with Connected Consulting and is a policy advisor to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).



george saltman bio




Link to Unesco Document Below. 


Print copies of Document Below






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TEXAS…Engage2Learn… Warning!!

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Consulting firm Engage2Learn has partnered with Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) in promoting their progressive/liberal agenda of transforming Texas Education. This new program is called Creating a New Vision for Public Education in Texas.   Texas superintendents have been actively working in creating the new vision and now they are hiring Engage2Learn to come into their school districts to hold community “consensus” meetings. They already have their agenda and plan in place and want the community to have the impression that their input is needed. With the use of the DELPHI TECHNIQUE public input is controlled. These meeting are a waste of time and taxpayers money.  Learn how to diffuse the Delphi Technique here. 


Now who runs Engage2Learn. Husband and wife team Shannon & Clark Buerk. Shannon worked for Coppell ISD and worked with Keith Sockwell @ Cambridge Strategic Services. More on Mr. Sockwell HERE.

Shannon’s goal is to transform Texas Education to a progressive/liberal one with Project Based Learning (PBL). PBL implement a collaborative learning style where absolute truth and American Exceptionalism isn’t taught. Students work on computer and in collective groups.


Be on the look out for Engage2Learn community meetings in your local school district





The following slide is from a powerpoint presentation that Shannon had used at a conference pushing her agenda.

students say



texas supers

future ready



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Texas Taxpayers paying for a Party in Austin Next Week!!!!

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Educators across the state of Texas will be paying their way (tickets, hotels, food, etc)  to Austin for the 2014 TASA Midwinter Conference with taxpayers money. Those attending from school districtS pay huge amounts to attend. Those that work for Texas Education Service Centers go FREE? Wow.. The ESC are making millions off of our local school districts state-wide and then get a free pass to the conference?

tasanet conference

There will be many progressive exhibitors at the conference. I would like to highlight one. That is Globaloria. Globaloria is one of many progressive online educational sources used by Texas educators to promote diversity, equity and globalization based on Constructionist theory of education. THE COLLECTIVE! Manor ISD and their New Tech High School are partners with Globaloria. Obama made a personal visit to Manor New Tech to congratulate them on their progressive education transformation that you can read HERE!



It will be the activism of moms and dads across the state of Texas that will be able to STOP the radical transformation of Texas Education that is actively in progress. 

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Texas Warning: Transformation of Public School using Marxist Philosophy

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Texas Schools are going through radical transformation and not for the better. Students are suffering with low grades and good teachers are frustrated and leaving the profession or going to private schools. Districts along with outside associations like Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA), Texas Association of School Boards (TASB), Texas Education Service Centers and others have been working on implementing Project Based Learning (PBL), built on constructivism. Individual achievement is no longer emphasized and students are now working in groups in hopes of creating diversity, equity and globalization. American Exceptionalism is no longer taught.


Aransas County Independent School District is getting ready to hold a community meeting in regard to their district progressive transformation. This meeting will be a Delphi meeting giving the public the opinion that your opinions will be valued and taken into consideration after the meeting. Appearances can be deceiving. The district administration already has a plan in place and this meeting is nothing more than a consensus meeting designed to further support the plan giving the appearance that the community was involved in designing or approving their plan. Here is an explanation of the Delphi Technique. 





Working to expose the corruption I hear from teachers and others across the state venting their frustration with their district. These individuals do not want to be identified out of fear of losing their job. I asked one individual was was the major complaint with their district and the responded with the following…….

coppell 1



Combating the mind manipulation of the Delphi Technique

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Progressive Type 2 Philosophy in Texas Schools… Where is Gov Perry?

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With the implementation of the Texas Curriculum CSCOPE and the teaching philosophy of  Project Based Learning  a radical Transformation has taken place in your local Texas school district. Where is our Texas Governor on this issue? Perry is no where to found and has made zero comments on the issue. Our children and ultimately our country will suffer from this.

A traditional education (Type 1) has been eliminated by the progressive education establishment (TASA, TASB, Superintendents, RATLIFF’s, ESC’s, etc) and the progressive Type #2 philosophy has been implemented. Please view the comparison between the two philosophies below.




Chart produced by Carole H. Haynes, Ph.D. – – 469–867-3086





Traditional Type #1Classical Learning CSCOPE Type #2Progressivism/Radical Common Core Standards   Type #2Social Justice Agenda
Instruction Direct instruction by teacher Self-directed learning, group-think Emphasis on subjectivity, feelings, emotions, beliefs,
Curriculum Academic, fact-based, skills, research Social concerns, project-based, constructivist, subjective, uses unproven fads and theories multiculturalism, political correctness, social engineering, globalism, evolution, sexual
Teacher’s role Authority figure, sets the plan for the class, academic instruction Facilitator freedom, contraceptives, environmental extremism,
Student’s role Learn from teacher, focus on factual learning, develop foundation skills for logical & analytical reasoning, independent thinking Students teach each other; focus on feelings, emotions, opinions; group-think global warming/climate change, victimization, diversity, acceptance of homosexuality as normal, & wealth redistribution.
English, Language Arts, Reading(ELAR) Phonics; classical literature; cursive handwriting; grammar; usage; correct spelling; expository, persuasive, research writing Whole language, balanced literacy, Guided Reading; no cursive writing instruction so can’t read primary documents of Founding Fathers  De-emphasis onDeclaration of Independence, Bill of RightsConstitution, Founding Fathers, national sovereignty, & American exceptionalism
Math “Drill and skill,” four math functions learned to automaticity Fuzzy math, rejects drill and memorization of math facts, dependent on calculators  
Social Studies Focus on American heritage/exceptionalism, national sovereignty, Founding Documents Diversity, multiculturalism, globalization, revisionist history, political correctness  
Character development Pro-faith, self control, personal responsibility, self-discipline, solid work ethic Secular, moral relativism, anti-faith, victimization  
Equality Equal opportunities Equal outcomes


Assessment Students evaluated by earned grades, objective tests Inflated grades, subjective assessments, evaluated based upon the value-system of the grader 


Outcomes Objective tests (right or wrong answers), emphasis on academic skills and knowledge Subjective assessments; emphasis on holistic, “feel-good” scoring
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Texas STEM Academies contribute to the Decline of American Sovereignty

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“21st Century Learning Skills” has become the  “MANTRA” of progressive educators in hopes of implementing a total transformation in how students are taught with the end result being globalization, diversity and equity. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!! Watch the video below and see what our educators have in mind when it comes to teaching you child…America will not last under this transformation which has a foothold in our Texas Schools.


America’s sovereignty is being torn apart at the seams and the Texas Education Agency is contributing to its demise. Through State, Federal and Grant funding the Texas Education Agency has set up Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Academies across the State of Texas. STEM Academies work to transform the way students are educated with the use of a Marxist teaching philosophy of Project Based Learning (PBL). PBL is based on the collective and not individual achievement. Absolute truth is not taught and everything is up for debate within a collective group.

The idea of project based learning is to create diversity and equity; with the United Nations is backing the agenda. IRINA BOKAVA, the Director General of  UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations, (UNESCO) was quoted as saying….



It does not take long with a little research to see the tie to Obama’s agenda, global organizations and STEM. Don’t get me wrong I love the STEM disciplines but the STEM flag being waved here takes on a whole new agenda than just educating your children… the goad is a total transformation

Texas STEM Funding


t-stem funding

Texas STEM Centers

stem centers


Below is ESC REGION 13 Summer Schedule for their STEM Transformation Institutes.

9-10-2013 5-39-42 AM



ESC #1 STEM Workshops for 2012/2013

tstem esc1

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It took me almost a year of researching to find out why there was such a veil of secrecy surrounding CSCOPE. I  discovered it has been the implementation of a radical change in the way Texas students will be educated. This radical change is not new though it’s name changes with the times. Presently it is called “Project Based Learning”.  Project Based Learning is built around the collective and not individual achievement. American Sovereignty is not taught. Globalization and Diversity are promoted. The Texas Education Service Centers along with school Superintendents have worked deceptively in implementing this progressive philosophy in the school system since 2006. After much research the implementation of PBL can be traced back to the United Nations.

Texas schools through grant money and state funds have purchased millions of dollars of computers so students can be electronically engaged. Become more a part of the global society.

unesco twitter


IRINA BOKAVA, the Director General of  UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations, (UNESCO) was quoted as saying….


In 2011 Ms. Bokava at Effat University in Saudia Arabia for the Learning and Technology Conference. In her address she is quoted as saying…..


Ms. Bokava is the  author of NEW HUMANISM FOR THE 21st CENTURY which promotes diversity, globalization all on the promise of world peace.

UNESCO along with international education bureaucracies goal is to Internet Communication Technology (ICT) coupled with Project Based Learning . That is why we are seeing Texas schools districts spending an enormous amount of money on IPAD’s and laptop for students.

Various publications…..

The Underutilization of Internet and Communication Technology-assisted Collaborative Project-Based Learning Among
International Educators: A Delphi Study






Bringing PBL Washington

Below is the Alliance For Excellent Education. It is to no surpise that Humanist Linda Darling Hammond sits on the Board of Directors. CSCOPE also credits it’s teaching philosophy to Hammond.


new tech

reimagine education


Bring PBL Home to TEXAS

huntsville ISD PBL

rockdale PBl


Name that project





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Texas School Superintendents are Uneducated

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Texas Superintendents and the powers at be (TASA, TASB, TEA, Thomas Ratliff, etc.) have been working under a veil of secrecy in implementing a progressive/marxist philosophy of education in the Texas school system called “Project Based Learning” ( PBL). A majority of districts use it under the name of CSCOPE.  PBL is based on the collective and not individual achievement. Students work collaboratively to acquire their knowledge.  It is said that the teachers will no longer be a “SAGE ON THE STAGE”, with direct student teaching. They will now learn alongside the student, become a facilitator, mentor, and friend. It would appear a waste for teachers to spend thousands on an education to become just a facilitator in the class room. Presently with the use of CSCOPE teachers do not have to write their own lesson plans. They follow a script. Good veteran teachers are being weeded out and are quitting education because they are no longer allowed to truly TEACH.

When I speak with administrators as to why they are implementing “PBL” I am told the same “robotic” educanese lingo. PBL promotes critical thinking, 21st Learning skills, the use of higher order thinking and problem solving skills. If the truth be told this all comes down to Money and philosophy. The Federal Government and the United Nations is promoting this philosophy in order to create diversity and globalization.

Texas superintendents, administrators, and veteran teachers more than likely spent their school days in a traditional classroom setting. So would it be safe to say those that did are not well-educated compared to today’s standards? They were not afforded this “wonderful” opportunity to acquire their “higher order thinking and problem solving skills“. Parents need to question their local school administrator’s education and see what qualifies them to oversee their child’s education.

Do I truly think School Superintendents are stupid and educated? Not at all! As a matter of fact they have showed their intelligence and “higher order of thinking skills” when it came to deceptively implementing CSCOPE/PBL in the Texas Schools system since 2006 until someone  with more “critical thinking” ability exposed it.


Below are snap shots of various “project based learning” websites and their agenda of education.


pbl instructor

 What is PBL LinkFoundations

Link to article on Theoretical Foundations


Attributes of PBL

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Good Teachers No Longer Needed in Texas!!

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With CSCOPE good veteran teachers are no longer needed or wanted. CSCOPE “pushers” view good veteran teachers as a threat when it comes to implementing their progressive teaching philosophy . The following photo is a snapshot from a CSCOPE powerpoint presentation for administrators.

vetern teachrers


CSCOPE was about implementing a progressive teaching philosophy called  Project Based Learning (PBL). Students will now work in groups where direct teaching will become a thing of the past.  They want teachers to be “facilitators”  and to “learn along side” their students. The philosophy is built around  a “constructivist” philosophy. It is built around the “collective” opposed to individual achievement. American Exceptionalism is no longer valued or taught replaced with Globalization and Diversity. Marxist Phychologist, Lev Vygotsky encouraged an education built on “constructivism”  CSCOPE acknowledged “progressive” educators as their research base along with Lev Vygotsky.




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TEXAS WARNING: How Are Your Children Taught?

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images (1)


How your children are taught can be just as detrimental as what they are taught. Progressive Texas Administrators and Educators across the state have been working on implementing Project Based Learning (PBL) in the Texas School Systems. CSCOPE was wall about PBL and operated under the radar until parents got involved. PBL is based on the collective and not individual achievement. Administrators want to do away with desk and put in tables to accommodate group learning.

tra hallHa

Tra Hall is lead learner and chief innovation officer(what ever that means)  at JH Hines Elementary in Waco ISD.  Hall is a big pusher/advocate of project based learning.

Texas Parents and Taxpayers need to get involved in your local districts and find out HOW and What they are teaching your children and grandchildren.

Below is a chart that compares a Traditional Education verses a progressive Project Based Learning Education. 

Please make copies of the chart and hand out to other concerned parents and community members. This has to be stopped!!


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Texas Superintendents…..$$$$ and more $$

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6-10-2013 6-51-20 PM


Texas progressive liberal superintendents are working over time to transform the Texas Education System They have been laying the foundation for this Education Transformation with a Marxist/Progressive teaching philosophy called Project Based Learning (PBL). Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) & Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) which are funded with your TAX DOLLARS through membership fees and conferences, contribute to this transformation. Why are taxpayers having to pay membership fees and conference expenses to fund these progressive liberal organizations that are contributing to the demise of our children and country with a leftist progressive ideology that does not cherish America’s Heritage and views Communism in a positive light? We have seen this with the CSCOPE lessons where they had Texas students drawing a new Communist flag.

The 2012 TASA/TASB Conference was held last Sept. I am not sure what the fee was for last years conference but if the cost is near what they are charging for the 2013 TASA/TASB conference this September taxpayers need to be speaking out.   This is the attendee list of those who attended the 2012 TASA/TASB conference. Check out the number of individuals that have attended from your school district. Why are taxpayers having to pay for their registration fees along with meals and hotel expenses? OUTRAGEOUS! There is nothing about this conference that is truly going to benefit students

The following is a snapshot of TASA/TASB 2013 Conference Fee schedule.


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 6-6-2013 10-55-44 AM

Business woman LYDIA DOBYNS is president of  NEW TECH NETWORK a progressive organization in California working across the country on implementing Project Based Learning (PBL). I am not quite sure if Dobyns has ever taught in the classroom. New Tech Network is working along side others progressive companies and educators in hopes of radically changing our education system as we know it.  Ms. Doybys states the following in her bio  “New Tech is emerging as one of the fastest-growing approaches to transforming high school education in the U.S”. Sound familiar? Sadly So!


Manor New Technology High School outside of Austin, Texas welcomed his truly President Obama in early May. Ms. Dobyns must of flown in for this heart felt moment and later wrote about it in the Huffington Post. WAKE UP TEXAS PARENTS, TAXPAYERS!!! Do you want your Texas School System TRANSFORMED?


6-5-2013 7-46-21 PM


Lydia Dobyns

New Tech Network

No one loves a happy ending more than me. Today was a personal once-in-a-lifetime movie moment: I welcomed President Obama to Manor New Technology High School. Before the president spent 45 minutes with students showing off Project Based Learning, I got to engage in a conversation with him about the kind of innovation taking place in 100+ public school districts across New Tech Network.


It was no accident that Manor was selected for its transformative educational methods and focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). The faculty and founding principal Steve Zipkes epitomize the persistence, vision and creativity needed to re-imagine a high school that truly prepares learners to be the innovators of tomorrow. They did not achieve this remarkable success on their own or overnight.

At New Tech schools, we have found a way to close the achievement gap regardless of whether students reside in urban, suburban, rural or underserved areas. Our 2013 Student Outcomes Report offers compelling evidence that the vision we have to transform schools within public school districts is being realized.

The President said about Manor New Tech, “Every day this school is proving that every child has the potential to learn the real-world skills they need to succeed in college and beyond. You’re doing things a little differently around here than a lot of high schools, and it’s working.” He went on to say: “We also have to make sure we help every student get the skills like they do here at Manor New Tech to compete in a high tech economy.”

Back to my fervent hope for a happy ending. The President today called again for support for the $300 Million High School Redesign he proposed in the State of the Union speech. He also reiterated that he wants to see universal access to quality public pre-school and to make college more affordable. For my happy ending to come true, three things have to happen. Congress and the White House have to agree on the best ways to invest in education innovation. State policy-makers and the business communities around this country have to come together to provide financial and material support in K-12 education innovation. And school district leaders need to move from asking, “should we innovate?” to “how do we find the funds to invest in innovation”? Should all three of these things happen, I will get my wish. And children everywhere will be able to experience the kind of education that enables them to thrive in ways we can’t even imagine.

As President Obama said today, “Every young person in America deserves a world-class education.”

I wholeheartedly agree. Let’s do this and do it now.


The following is an except from the 2012 TASA/TASB Convention program. You will see that TASA and TASB are working along side other progressive organization on implementing their radical progressive Agenda through ‘ Visioning Network”.  I have highlighted some of the “buzz words”. 


6-6-2013 10-22-12 AM


The Obama is working deligently to transform the political landscape of America and they are doing it though our Education System as you will see in the Article below

May 9, 2013     Bloomberg

Obama Austin Tech Tour Raises Democrat Profile in Texas

President Barack Obama urged lawmakers to approve more federal spending for technology education, training and jobs, holding up the Austin, Texas, area’s economic boom as an example for the rest of the country.

The Texas visit today was one of a series of events across the country that the administration says are meant to build pressure on Congress to adopt economic ideas laid out in Obama’s State of the Union address this year.

“We’re poised for a time of progress, if we’re willing to seize it,” Obama said in an address to executives and workers at Applied Materials Inc. (AMAT), which makes products for the semiconductor, display panel and solar industries worldwide.

Obama met with students, local residents, investors and entrepreneurs as he made his way across the city. He announced competitions for three manufacturing innovation centers and an executive order requiring government data to be released in a form that entrepreneurs and researchers can use to generate applications and new services.

Obama blamed political posturing in Congress for blocking his proposals, which he said would foster research that benefits technology companies and help train workers for those industries.
Sending Message

Obama told company workers that when they talk to their elected officials, “You’ve got to remind them, we don’t want government to do everything for us but it’s got a role to play” on infrastructure and research funding.

Addressing a group of “angel investors” during an earlier stop at an incubator for technology startups, Obama said government can play a “beneficial” role in helping the private sector spur job creation.

He said he was concerned about the impact of the automatic, across-the-board federal spending cuts known as sequestration. The cuts are “effectively freezing basic research” spending over the next one to two years.

“We could end up losing our edge” to economic competitors in Asia, he said.

Obama said Austin is an example of the kind of cooperation between government and business that can foster innovation.
Austin Economy

The metropolitan area centered by the state capital, which has about 820,600 residents, had a March jobless rate of 5.3 percent, compared with 7.6 percent nationwide. Computer manufacturer Dell Inc. (DELL) is based in nearby Round Rock, and Apple Inc. (AAPL) has announced plans to double the size of its 3,500-employee customer-support center in Austin over the next decade.

“I’ve come to listen and learn and highlight some of the good work that’s being done,” Obama said at Manor New Technology High School in the Austin suburb of East Manor, where he inspected solar and robotic projects developed by students. “Folks around here are doing something right.”

Education Secretary Arne Duncan in 2010 cited the school as boosting opportunities for low-income and minority youth. Of the school’s 341 students last year, 46 percent were economically disadvantaged, 48 percent were Latino, 25 percent were white and 21 percent were black, according to data provided by the school district.


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“The Story of Stuff” promoted by Texas A&M

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I spent thousands of dollars sending my daughter to Texas A&M, what I thought was a conservative Texas University. I am finding out every day that A&M it is not as conservative as I once imagined. For example, the Texas A&M Aggie T-STEM department is all about transforming our education system K-16 from conservative traditional based learning to a progressive project based learning. This is being done via grants and the program is called Texas A&M T-STEM Academy. The goals of T-STEM are outlined  HERE.

Texas A & M T-STEM Academy is working with other T-Stem Academies including,  the Texas Education Service Centers (created CSCOPE) and the Texas Education Agency to accomplish their progressive goal of implementing Project Based Learning (PBL).

On the Texas A&M’s T-STEM Website  you will find information describing the vision and intent of T-STEM. After evaluating CSCOPE lessons, I didn’t think I could be shocked by instruction material, but I was wrong.

Education is the one industry that is making money by making changes from traditional learning to Project Based Learning (PBL). You might be asking yourselves, “So What’s the Big Deal?” The answer is that while learning styles come and go, but PBL is not just a teaching technique. PBL is a progressive movement that promotes setting facts aside and allowing students to create their own understanding of the world around them. Even this is not what PBL is. Instead, while students are given freedom to make their own choices, the list of choices are manipulative. Students are being trained via PBL to embrace progressive, socialist ideology.

Parents, you cannot trust the state or federal education agency to know what your child should be taught. This is because these agencies are no longer focused on educating students in reading, writing, science, and math. Instead, they are focused on their social and emotional development. This is the job of parents, not public schools. There are grants providing millions of dollars to PBL learning, which is focused on your child’s social behavior and emotional development. Project Based Learning is the framework of the CSCOPE lessons as well as Common Core. In other words, Texas Schools who have been using CSCOPE already have the framework of Project Based Learning implemented. Thus, CSCOPE schools have the Common Core Project Based Learning in place. Its a small adjustment to replace the TEKS with the Common Core standards. 

Teachers are no longer given the option to avoid standards that are biased toward socialism or some specific religion. Whether its the CSCOPE Micromanaging System or something else administrators (with a need to be in control)  implement, the state standards, be they the TEKS or Common Core have become law. Since TEA and the State Education Service Centers promote Project Based Learning, it really doesn’t matter what the state standards are, its how they are implemented in student lessons. We have seen this with CSCOPE lessons promoting the Islamic religion to satisfy the  state standard to teach about different religions. Yes, the standards do matter. But how teachers implement them is so much more important. 

The following information is from the TEA’s website. This lets you know that TEA is supporting Project Based Learning.


aggie stem 

I found the following powerpoint on T-STEM site. The following is a screen shot of one of the slides promoting the environmental leftist propoganda website “The Story of Stuff”   which is filled with numerous untruths in hopes in indoctrinating our children.

story of stuff

As Lou Dobbs states in the following news cast on CNN “The Story of Stuff” video has no place in our school system.

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5-31-2013 11-25-53 PM

Teach children to think! You would think this is some new concept listening to liberal educators today.  I first heard this statement being championed by a CSCOPE Coordinator last year. After exercising my constitutional right to speak before the Willis ISD school board Oct/2012 regarding my concerns in relation to CSCOPE, ESC 6’s CSCOPE coordinator Lindy McColloch quickly tried to marginalize my concerns at this public forum  speaking after me. At the time I was unaware of Ms. McColloch’s presence in the room or who she was.


My Statements

Lindy McColloch comments


I found her anger and attitude concerning. Why would a state employee address a concerned citizen in this manner over a “curriculum”? After investigating CSCOPE and the behavior of those that support it, I and other critics soon realized there was a major problem. Not only were the lessons of poor quality and anti- american, teachers felt like they could not speak out and express their concerns out of fear of losing their jobs. Teachers felt controlled and intimidated by administration.  CSCOPE test did not match the material being taught. Students were failing, etc. Teachers began sending us emails thanking us for fighting for them.

The bigger picture started becoming apparent after more research. Texas Education Service Centers along with TASA and TASB and other organizations are in the works of implementing a Marxist based teaching philosophy called Project Based Learning (PBL). PBL is based on the Marxist Lev Vygotsky’s teaching philosophy.

With Project Based Learning (PBL) students create their own learning and build upon what they may already know. Students are not taught correct or factual information. Getting the correct answer is not important.  The learning process is built on group learning, based on the collective and not individual achievement.

I found this document from ESC 14 which will give you information and websites educating you what Project Based Learning (PBL) is.  I was reading the document and I behold I ran across that statement again, Teach children to think!



After is was announced that CSCOPE would drop their lessons I filed a public information requesting asking what ESC 6 sent to it’s local school districts addressing the issue. As you will read ESC’s continue to implement their progressive plan of Project Based Learning. Fortunately Parents and Grandparents are waking up to what the progressives are up to.

Here is the document that was sent.

Lindy Mc



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5-29-2013 12-48-29 PM


It became apparent to me that CSCOPE was part of a bigger problem and would lay a foundation for Project Based Learning (PBL). PBL is based on the teaching philosphy of Marxist Lev Vygotsky and Progressive educator John Dewey. The Texas Education Service Centers, Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) and Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) are running full speed ahead to implement PBL  Parents and Taxpayers need to be very concerned about PBL. Here is a comparison between a Traditional Education and Project Based Learning,  The comparison is the same as traditional vs CSCOPE.


In reading the following statement copied from this webpage, makes you wonder why we have teachers go to school for years if the new goal is to have students teach themselves and teachers job is to become a facilitator.

5-29-2013 1-51-37 PM


May 9th, President Obama visited and praised Manor ISD’s New Tech High School which is has fully implemented Project Based Learning.  (His visit speaks volumes to those who value a traditional education).


manor isd

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