CSCOPE-The OBAMACARE of Public Education

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ObamaCare, CSCOPE both beyond fixing

bill-amesBy Bill Ames

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – Americans increasingly realize that Obamacare is not about providing quality healthcare for all Americans.  Its creators could care less.  Rather, it is about a  progressive power grab,TX-Textbooksstructured to gain control over a large chunk of the U. S. economy. Likewise for CSCOPE, a thinly disguised Common Core methodology being used across  Texas, despite the fact the Texas Legislature has banned Common Core in Texas.

Obamacare is about a group of elitists who believe they know what is best for us, because we citizens are too dumb to know what is best for ourselves. For this reason, there is no hope to fix Obamacare.  Its  creators are so determined to reach their goal that the compromises to allow a reasonable health care program are impossible.


Likewise for CSCOPE.  It is a thinly disguised implementation of common core methodology, in spite of the fact that the Texas legislature has banned common core in Texas.

And like Obamacare, the CSCOPE juggernaut is comprised of elitists who think they know what is best for our kids, and who much prefer to trashing their opposition than considering compromise.

Recently, chief common core (and its little brother CSCOPE) cheerleader Arne Duncan (below, left,) head of the U. S. Department of Education, trashed his critics, branding them as “angry white suburban moms.”   This top-down arrogant attitude permeates through Texas’ education establishment:

  • The Education Service Center personnel that created and defended their bizarre lesson plans
  • The liberal-leaning Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) and the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB)
  • A  couple of RINO members of the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE,) and
  • Rogue School Boards, Superintendents and School District Curriculum writers who ignore parents while embracing Mr. Duncan’s arrogance with the attitude, “we’ll teach students whatever we choose, and the tax-paying community be damned”.

obama arne duncan education   Due to this deep-seated bias, both Obamacare and CSCOPE are both beyond fixing.


CSCOPE critics have done admirable work in exposing lesson plans that reveal CSCOPE as anti-American, anti-Christian, and a rogue implementation of the legislatively-banned common core philosophy in Texas.

But CSCOPE proponents publicly claim its lesson plans are aligned with the SBOE-adopted TEKS.

The pro-CSCOPE folks are wrong.

Yes, the CSCOPE lesson plans that categorized Boston Tea Party patriots as terrorists, and Islamic 911 terrorists as freedom fighters, have been quietly removed from the CSCOPE arsenal. But those lessons have been replaced by more subtle and clever ways to indoctrinate Texas’ students.

As a CSCOPE volunteer lesson plan reviewer, I recently reviewed eleven CSCOPE U. S. history lessons.  My past experience gives me a wealth of knowledge regarding TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) content and curriculum evaluations.

For more CSCOPE AnalysisSBOE’s Tincy Miller Talks CSCOPE, Politics & Children’s Textbook Fund

The original TEKS standards document proposed by a leftist-biased review panel in the fall of 2009 was so far removed from mainstream Texans to be unacceptable. The balancing amendments adopted by the SBOE in 2010 reversed the bias and defeated the left’s war on history.

Beginning with the first lesson I reviewed, it became evident that the CSCOPE lesson plan authors focused on including the politically correct, biased portions of the TEKS, while omitting those that did not contribute to their leftist ideology.

Quin Hillyer Christmas WWII

A summary of examples follows.  In the interest of brevity, only a summary of the most egregious TEKS compliance violations are included.


– Only one 50 minute period, out of a seven period module, was spent covering the key events of WWII:   Midway, the Pacific theatre, Normandy, the Bataan Death March, liberation of concentration camps, the development of atomic weapons.

– Nearly as much class time was devoted to the (multicultural) contribution of the Navajo code talkers.

– Japanese internment was well covered (implied American racism), while German and Italian internments (national security) were ignored.

– A referenced biography of President Roosevelt includes the phrase, “Today the Obama Administration continues to protect and ensure Social Security will be there for future generations.”

– The WWII lesson plans are taken to a laughable extreme in classroom time-wasting, by assigning students to write acrostic (look up that one) poems using the last names of WWII leaders and significant groups.


– In a typical example of ignoring America’s positives, this lesson ignores a TEKS requirement to study the growth of agriculture and business, and how both contributed to the emergence of the United States as a world economic power.

– Also missing was the TEKS requirement to address America’s scientific discoveries, technological innovations, and the benefits of the free enterprise system.

– Rather, students were assigned to “create a song, poem, or mural, reflecting the late 1940s and 1950s”.  Really!

  • ronald reagan brandenburg gate speech

– There is ample study of divided countries (Germany and Korea), but no comparison of the economic outcomes of West/East Germany and South/North Korea.  I suggested adding the famous night satellite photo of North/South Korea be added to the lesson.

– The Venona papers, that revealed communist infiltration of the FDR/Truman administrations, were ignored.


– This module ignored the unintended consequences of the Great Society programs:  Paying welfare mothers to have additional out-of-wedlock babies, and preventing the father from living in the welfare-subsidized home, thus creating the inevitable inner city poverty and crime associated with single parent families.

– Also ignored was the reality that the Democrat Party (Southern Congressmen and state governors) made up the primary resistance to civil rights legislation.


– The anarchy, violence, and anti-American extremism of Vietnam-era radical protestors is not addressed.


– A student handout of icons depicting the Bill of Rights characterizes the 2nd Amendment as protection for hunters’ rights.


– Ignores the “conservative resurgence” of the 1980s and 1990s.

– Ignores discussion of achieving the American Dream.


– Lesson ignores the TEKS requirement to “Evaluate efforts by Global Organizations to undermine U. S. sovereignty through us of treaties”.


– No mention of the effects of 12-20 million illegal immigrants.


A significant question asked to each lesson plan reviewer reads,

“Does this lesson cover the TEKS indicated therein as being applicable to this lesson?”

My answer to each of the eleven lessons was “no”.

It is instructive to note that each of the other three reviewers who submitted responses for these lessons answered “yes” to this question for each of the eleven lessons.  Upon questioning the facilitator for my group, she acknowledged that each reviewer had a lesser knowledge than I of the TEKS involved, and also performed a less rigorous analysis of TEKS coverage of the lessons.

I fear that this defect may be true across all 400 lessons, and if so, casts serious suspicions regarding the validity of this whole CSCOPE review exercise.


When most of the folks who read this were in 11th Grade, the instruction model included the teacher as the classroom authority, teaching lessons from a textbook that had been thoroughly vetted and reviewed by hundreds of citizens during a textbook review and adoption process.  NOcscope This is no longer the case.

The Project Based Learning model, a key element of CSCOPE and common core methodology, has replaced the traditional instruction model.


The TASA-produced CSCOPE/Common Core visioning document states, “Students are not just consumers of knowledge, they are creators of knowledge as well.” And from my own district’s visioning document (Richardson ISD), “Students are given choices regarding what they learn”.

For more on CSCOPE’s Project-Based Learning, read Bill AmesA Series on CSCOPE, Part 3: Common Core, Project Based Learning Damages Texas Students

The Project based Learning model de-emphasizes the presentation of academic facts to the students.  The concept of  “whole class instruction”  no longer exists in the CSCOPE world.

Instead, students reach their own conclusions through the use of Project-Based Learning assignments.  The lesson plan includes little or no provision for the teacher to act as classroom authority, to correct any false student conclusions that may be based upon feelings and emotions rather than academic facts.


Un-vetted, un-reviewed information sources are provided for student research.  Sources for student research are not defined in the CSCOPE lessons.

SBOE Social Studies Press Conf. 1-13-10For good and valid reasons, the Texas State Board of Education (SBOEhas traditionally conducted extensive textbook reviews.  Books that go through that process are thoroughly reviewed and vetted: By citizens, parents, teachers, and taxpayers, for errors and biased material.  The vetted textbooks then become source materials for student learning.

Conversely, the selection process for CSCOPE research materials appears to be at the discretion of the local school district’s administrators, and subject to the ideology of those individuals.  At any rate, the materials are not reviewed nor vetted by the local community.  This should be a concern for all.


The combination of not presenting academic facts, along with providing un-vetted, un-researched, ideology-biased student research materials, is the perfect recipe for an education establishment committed to indoctrinating Texas’ students with its socialist ideology.

Read AlsoA Series on CSCOPE, Part 4: Common Core is Culmination of 100+ Years of Old Ideas


Unfortunately, the SBOE Ad Hoc CSCOPE Review Committee has elected to take no position regarding the CSCOPE lesson plans.  This position reflects a change from the past … from a mainstream, conservative SBOE institution, to one that provides a platform for leftist encroachment on our students’ curriculum.  It is wrong.

Given the absence of classroom academic authority, un-vetted research materials, added to the selective implementation of the TEKS as previously described, the only rational conclusion is that CSCOPE, like Obamacare, should be banned in Texas.

bill-amesBill Ames is an education activist who lives in Dallas. His book, “TEXAS TROUNCES THE LEFT’S WAR ON HISTORY” ( tells the story of his experience in developing Texas’ U. S. history standard in 2009-2010. He recently reviewed CSCOPE lessons as part of the State Board of Education’s Ad Hoc Committee Project, and is available to deliver presentations to interested groups. He welcomes reader comments at

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A Series on CSCOPE, Part 4: Common Core is Cumulative of 100+ Years of Old Ideas

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Digging Deeper For The Sake of Texas Children

NOcscope By Cathy Wells & Ms. Mac (Jeanine McGregor)

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – Got a shovel? During the September SBOE meeting, a pro-CSCOPE lackey credited Dr. Jim Barufaldi, a UT professor, for the “invaluable” 5E  formula wrapped around CSCOPE lessons.  5E is defined as: Engage, cscope-arrow         Explore, Explain, Extend/Elaborate, Evaluate.  Sounds good, but 

Let’s Up the Ante.  Have you witnessed the best Texas teachers?  They:

  1. Capture their students’ attention;
  2. Connect for deeper understanding;
  3. Clarify words, items, steps when needed;
  4. Challenge students to reach higher;
  5. Communicate the need for common-sense;
  6. Champion individual merit;
  7. Commit to common courtesy for all;
  8. Collaborate, first, with the student and parent;
  9. Condemn ignorance;
  10. Confirm truth, sources and accuracy;
  11. Congeal ill-defined goals;
  12. Conquer red-tape;
  13. Contact experts;
  14. Captivate listeners;
  15. Counterbalance disrespect;
  16. Crave learning as an example for others;
  17. Crown each student’s improvement and drive;
  18. Coach the hesitant;
  19. Curb inefficiency;
  20. Cycle reinforcement;
  21. cscope7eContribute true American & Texas values;
  22. Cultivate the best opportunities;
  23. Correct when needed; and
  24. Continue digging!

That’s 24 C’s and counting!

Our digging reveals that behind Prof. Barufaldi, who is also known for his collectivistic classroom approach, stands the progressive behaviorist, John Dewey, the first “E” promoter.   The following article by Cathy Wells reveals how deep the CSCOPE roots go!


Dewey Back from the Grave?

Cathy Wells, CSCOPE ArticleBy Cathy Wells

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – Since the inception of our nation, there has been a push to use public education to indoctrinate our children with socialist ideals.  From Robert Owen, the father of socialism, to the current CSCOPE and Common Core standards, socialist philosophy is front and center in the pedagogical world.

John Dewey, a secular humanist and leftist who is rightly called “The Father of Modern Education,” was no different.  Dewey’s philosophies and ideas, like those before him, were grounded in behavioral psychology and a break from traditional values in education.  Dewey wrote the following in his 1898 essay, “The Primary Education Fetish:”

“There is… a false education god whose idolaters are legion, and whose cult influences the entire educational system. This is language study…it is almost an unquestioned assumption…that the first three years of a child’s school life shall be mainly taken up with learning to read and write his own language…the great importance attaching to literature seems to me a perversion.”

Clearly, Dewey took issue with the traditional “ 3 Rs” instruction model.  Similarly, Dewey had a disdain for the typical role of the teacher in a classroom.  Dewey saw the teacher not as an older and wiser person from whom a student could glean wisdom but as a facilitator and guide.


Sound familiar?  It should.  Because what we are now seeing in the educational realm, particularly in CSCOPE and Common Core, is merely a regurgitation of ideas that are over 100 years old.

It is also interesting to note Dewey’s ideas about the purpose of education.  Any of us who purport to educate a child ought to ask ourselves, after all, what it is we hope to achieve.  Here are Dewey’s thoughts, taken from “My Pedagogic Creed:”

“The school is primarily a social institution. Education being a social process, the school is simply that form of community life in which all those agencies are concentrated that will be most effective in bringing the child to share in the inherited resources of the race, and to use his own powers for social ends.” 

I personally cannot think of a better example of socialism finding a comfortable home in education.

In terms of economic philosophy, Dewey was extremely left-leaning.  He headed up several leftist, socialist organizations and clubs and had a definite focus on the child as a function of a larger social unit.  The focus that we see today in CSCOPE and Common Core on socialist philosophy and thought is no accident.  It has been quietly fomenting for a century.

As William Brooks notes in his article Was Dewey a Marxist?,

“Dewey asserted that in the school “individualism and socialism are at one” and it was “especially necessary to take the broader view” over the narrow and acquisitive course. Like Marx, Dewey informed his readers that inevitable changes were forthcoming in the school kids“modes of industry and commerce” and, again like Marx, Dewey was convinced that his predictions were based on scientific laws generated through the methods of dialectical materialism.

Indeed, in one of his later works, Dewey was very forthright in declaring that “we are in for some kind of socialism, call it whatever name we please, and no matter what it will be called when it is realized, economic determinism is now a fact not a theory.”

In the light of his convictions, Dewey sought to conceive a new philosophy of education. Dewey’s school would be intricately connected with the unfolding of materialist history or as Dewey put it “part and parcel of the whole social evolution.”

Another aspect of Dewey’s background that greatly influenced his educational strategies and, thus, ours today, was his close association with behavioral psychology.

Dewey had been mentored by G. Stanley Hall who in turn had studied the burgeoning new field of behavioral psychology in Leipzig, Germany, the birthplace and nucleus of behavioral psychological theory and research and home of Wilhelm Wundt, the father of behavioral psychology.

What is behavioral psychology and what has it to do with education?  Paolo Lionni notes the following in his book The Leipzig Connection, about Wundt’s views on “education:”

“…the individual will learn to respond to any given stimulus, with the “correct” response. The child is not, for example, thought capable of volitional control over his actions, or of deciding whether he will act or not act in a certain way; his actions are thought to be preconditioned and beyond his control, he is a stimulus- response mechanism.

School kids Children 2“According to this thinking, he is his reactions. Wundt’s thesis laid the philosophical basis for:

  • the principles of conditioning later developed by Pavlov (who studied physiology in Leipzig in 1884, five years after Wundt had inaugurated his laboratory there)
  • American behavioral psychologists such as Watson and Skinner;
  • for laboratories and electroconvulsive therapy;
  • for schools oriented more toward socialization of the child than toward the development of intellect;
  • and for the emergence of a society more and more blatantly devoted to the gratification of sensory desire at the expense of responsibility and achievement.”

Lionni notes that Dewey, as a true behavioral psychologist, “believed that learning occurred only through experience, that the stimulus-response mechanism was basic to learning, and that teachers were not instructors, but designers of learning experiences.”

Dewey adherence to the principles of behavioral psychology greatly influenced his views on the purpose of school.  As Charlotte Iserbyt notes in her excellent book, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America,

Charlotte Iserbyt“Dewey’s recommendation was indeed radical: build the curriculum not around academic subjects but around occupational activities which provided maximum opportunities for peer interaction and socialization. Since the beginning of Western civilization, the school curriculum was centered around the development of academic skills, the intellectual faculties, and high literacy.

Dewey wanted to change all of that. Why? Because high literacy produced that abominable form of independent intelligence which was basically, as Dewey believed, anti-social.”

In short, Dewey’s behavioral psychology background not only influenced schools of his day but stretches forth to the present, causing students to be looked at not as autonomous human beings but as malleable cogs in a greater societal wheel.

Finally, we will examine Dewey’s views on faith, God and man.  In 1897 in My Pedagogic Creed, Dewey wrote,

“The teacher always is the prophet of the true God and the usher of the true kingdom of God.”

Despite his strict religious upbringing, Dewey had, like many philosophers of his day, abandoned his belief in a deity.  In fact, Dewey co-authored the Humanist Manifesto I which stated, in part,

“The basis of humanist belief is that there is no Almighty God, the Creator and Sustainer of life. Humanists believe that man is his own god. They believe that moral values are relative, devised according to the needs of particular people, and that ethics are likewise situational.”

As we lament the lack of ethical instruction or emphasis in today’s schools, the moral relativism and secular humanism, we can look backward at the “father” of our educational system and give a nod to his influence.

Lest we think that Dewey is simply a dead philosopher whose ideas don’t matter, it is important to note that commentators confess that his ideas have figured most prominently in American education for the last century.  No other ideologue has had as much influence as Dewey.  And while the philosophies might be renamed or repackaged, they remain static.

There is now, and has been for a long time, a move to creating “global citizens,” “social thinkers,” and “teacher guides.”  Cathy Wells, CSCOPE ArticleCommon Core and CSCOPE are merely the culmination of a century of honing an idea that rejects traditionalism and faith and tries to implement instead a progressive notion of man as God and the state as a family.

Cathy Wells (right) is a NorthTexas wife, mother, educational historian, private tutor & school instructor, freelance writer and Constitutionalist.

Jeanine McGregor Ms. MacSMALL SERIES EDITOR Jeanine McGregor (left,) known to most in the Texas Education Debate as ”Ms. Mac”, is an Award-Winning Teacher, an educational researcher, and an author-publisher as CEO of Character of American Productions. She is also producer of Ms. Mac’s Schoolhouse, and the innovative “Ms. Mac TV” Program.




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A Series on CSCOPE, Part 1: Digger ‘ Deeper For The Sake of Texas Children

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By Jeanine McGregor & Janice VanCleave

CSCOPE LogoTexas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – Texans by nature, design and heritage, are God-fearing, independent-minded, hard-working, individuals who stand for truth and justice.  When Texas turned down the highly-suspect federal program, Common Core,   yielding to its own educational goals, parents and community leaders heralded our independent choice, little did we know that traitors amongst us, a.k.a. some liberal-minded Texas school administrators and superintendents, had joined forces to implement behind our backs a similar program, CSCOPE.  CSCOPE Closed

That, at the very least, was raw, untested, and poorly designed, and at the most was a highly-restrictive management framework, dipped in radical ideology, meant to control our children’s academic futures using fear and intimidation.

True Texans from across the state are waking up and speaking out.  The following is the first in a series of articles from individuals across Texas, meant to reveal the truth and empower the individual so that together we can stand up and say, “We’re from Texas.  We don’t like being lied to and we don’t ‘cotton to you messin’ with our children.”


Is This Happening At Your School?

Janice VanCleave3cBy Janice VanCleave

CSCOPE is not gone, it has just changed names. The 20 Texas Education Service Centers are a true example of morphism.

What was set up as 20 regional agencies to provide “affordable” and free quality educational services to school districts has morphed into a 20 headed monster with appendages it can shed, much like a lizard can lose its tail and keep on going.

Severing the limb containing the CSCOPE Lessons was a minor setback. The lessons were not lost. Instead they are now snugly set in place in school districts with administrators dedicated to continuing this covert cause to remove parents from being a part of their children’s education; dedicated to continuing to set the educational bar so low that every student learns at an equally low level; dedicated to continue bullying teachers making them so fearful of losing their jobs that they must teach in secret — when the administrators, the CSCOPE Management CZARS, leave the school building.

Sounds very melodramatic doesn’t it? Sadly, it is true.

But because it is so absolutely absurd for administrators to be working toward a goal that results in students failing the state tests, it is difficult to get people to believe that this is true. It is difficult for people to believe that Texas Education tea-logo3Agencies are purposely creating CSCOPE Instructional Materials with an ulterior goal of establishing a Controlling Management System.

But it has happened and has been very successful. The 20 ESCs are in control of most of the Texas Public Schools because they are in control of the administrators in these schools.

WATCH NOW: SBOE Ad Hoc CSCOPE Review Committee Hearing – September 13, 2013
[Archive Video Part 1]

Parents have bought into the sales pitch that the schools should provide RIGOR so that their children pass the STATE STAAR/EOC TESTS.

I doubt that parents have a clue as to what rigor is all about. Teachers seem equally uninformed. Who introduced the idea that the STAAR/EOCs TESTs would have more RIGOR and that the new TEKS have more RIGOR, thus curriculum with RIGOR is needed? The answer is from TEA! Yes, the Texas Education System–TEA. I asked TEA representatives about RIGOR-its definition and requirements. The answer was that TEA gave the ESCs approximately $200 MILLION dollars to provide materials, workshops, and website articles for Texas Educators.

YES. TEA GAVE THE 20 ESCS, WHO CREATED CSCOPE, MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF DOLLARS and thus far not one person, as far as I know, has demanded to know what they did with this money.

I know that they did not fulfill the specifications listed in the Rider 42 grant that provided the money. So why were they paid? Why does TEA continue to give the 20 ESCs money when these agencies are doing everything they can to TEA Exemplary 2010 Logotransform Texas Schools so that the students will not be taught facts needed for academic advancement?

Instead, The ESCs are transforming the instruction in Texas Schools so that students are learning social technology (Tweeting and developing Facebook pages), questioning the social, moral, patriotic, and religious values of parents.

Parents, if you are concerned about your child passing the state STAAR/EOC Tests, I suggest that you find out if collecting testing data is the focus of your school. Find out if the following describes how your children are being “educated.”

CSCOPE promotes that all children have an ‘equal education,’ thus the need for a one-size-fits-all instructional material and assessments. This is the definition of social learning — more appropriately called Socialism. 

CSCOPE promotes leveling the playing field for all students. This eliminates challenging students who are at different levels. The argument that every student must be on the same page at the same time so that kids can move from one location and not lose ground is a questionable motive. Don’t be lured to the ‘rocks of destruction’ by the songs of the Social Education Progressive Sirens.

Parents, any school, using ESC/CSCOPE material, has administrators that are lying to you. I have read and evaluated every elementary CSCOPE lesson and assessment. This instruction material does not align with the state standards called TEKS because the content of the CSCOPE instruction material is not all correct.

There are many errors that are carried from one grade to the next. Last year teachers had to teach to the CSCOPE assessments, in doing this these teachers were teaching incorrect information.

Parents, the problems in Texas Education will be corrected when you demand it.

Jeanine McGregor Ms. MacSMALL

Jeanine McGregor (right), known to most in the Texas Education Debate as ”Ms. Mac”, is an Award-Winning Teacher, an educational researcher, and an author-publisher as CEO of Character of American Productions. She is also producer of Ms. Mac’s Schoolhouse, and the innovative “Ms. Mac TV” Program.

Janice VanCleave3e

Janice VanCleave (left) is an internationally-known author, as well as a Science Teacher from Riesel, Texas, who blogs on the Texas CSCOPE Review.


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