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dali goddess


My activism in exposing CSCOPE has brought me a host of enemies in the Texas education industry.  They appear to be at ease with the controversial lessons where reading verses of the Quran in class, drawing new communist flags, portraying the Boston Tea Party as a terrorist act, etc. are the norm.  Despite that the lessons are biased and the teachers are being controlled and told what, when and how to teach with the CSCOPE program, they seem fine with that.  Many teachers have left the profession of teaching or have moved to work in private or charters schools.

 Dr. Brent Hawkins, ESC 6 Assistant Director and Cathy Moak, ESC 6 Component Director for School Transformation and Digital Learning have once again come out against me, showing their unprofessionalism in the process. My legal name is Rajene. I have never used the name RAJENE and someone must have taken the time to research me very thoroughly to have come across my legal name . Ms. Moak, in trying to paint me as something evil, searched my legal name on the internet and came up with the Sanskrit meaning of my legal name even though it’s reference has a different spelling and posted in on TWITTER. In her eyes I am the “dark one” a Hindu goddess. Dr. Hawkins also found this worthy information and chose to re-tweet it.

dark one

director hawkins

In 53 years I have never researched my legal name so I did some research of my own.  I summarize that Cathy must have looked pretty hard until she came up with something in order to demonize me with. I googled RAJENE and found another definition which I particularly favor in the following link, which is posted below and even has the correct spelling of my legal name. I am glad that my critics lead me to look up what my name really means and due to the fact that Dr. Hawkins told me months ago that I was not going to “tear apart something they have implemented”, it seems to fit really well. I don’t know who specifically “THEY”  are in Dr. Hawkins comment but I think I as well other activist across the state have been pretty successful in exposing the progressive agenda of these educators though the battle is far from over.


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