Texas Superintendent goes to Washington DC?

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Dr. Jeff Turner

 Dr. Jeff Turner, superintendent of Coppell ISD is on his way to Washington DC again. Why?  Turner flew to Washington on Dec. 5th to discuss Common Core Standards and non adoption of them in Texas.  Dr. Turner  is also President of the Texas Association of School AdministratorsTASA.   TASA is gearing up to attend the American Association of  School Administrtors, AASA to hear humanist Linda Darling Hammond who is associated with Communist William (Bill) Ayers  speak on the Common Core Standards. Hammond is also an education adviser to the Obama administration.  Why are  Texas Taxpayers funding this? Why are we having to pay for our superintendents to travel to here about the Marxist Common Core standards Texas did not adopt?















Dr. Turner seems to be all about promoting an education of the 21st Century. An education that is NOT based on individual achievement but on the collective. It is a watered down education that removes vocabulary, novels, cursive writing and the basics of algebra. Why are our administrators buying into this?

Though Common Core was not officially adopted in Texas the Education Service Centers have found a way to implement a similar product that has Common Core written all over it, called Cscope. Cscope is an online curriculum that nearly 80% of Texas school districts have purchased and implemented it without parents knowledge. The curriculum has not been available for parents to see and teachers had to sign a non-disclosure statement that they would not release the contents or say anything negative about it. Csocpe is pro Islamic and anti Christian. It pushes a global collectivist agenda. It is based on the Marxist/progressive ideology of Obama education adviser Linda Darling Hammond who is associated with communist Bill Ayers.  Hammond has been a regular speaker at Cscope Conferences.


Dr. Turner has also signed a contract for the Coppell ISD with TASA’S  School Transformation Network. Here is their Visioning Document. Notice following the document are the original 35 superintendents that promoted this vision.


****TASA and those behind the Texas Schcol Transformation Network which has plans on taking Texas education on a progressive/Marxist path. ***


In Texas today unbeknownest to parents and taxpayers there is a progressive/Marxist curriculum called Cscope is a  that has been implemented in nearly 80% of the Texas Schools.   Parents have not been  aware that it is in their schools due the fact that homework is discouraged and most school districts to not purchase text books. It is online and parents have been denied access to the material. As alarming as it is Teachers were required to sign a non-disclosure statement that they would not release the contents are say anything negative about it.

For more information on Cscope go to

 Cscope, What is behind the Curtain, Part I

 Cscope, What is behind the Curtain, Part II




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