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5-31-2013 11-25-53 PM

Teach children to think! You would think this is some new concept listening to liberal educators today.  I first heard this statement being championed by a CSCOPE Coordinator last year. After exercising my constitutional right to speak before the Willis ISD school board Oct/2012 regarding my concerns in relation to CSCOPE, ESC 6’s CSCOPE coordinator Lindy McColloch quickly tried to marginalize my concerns at this public forum  speaking after me. At the time I was unaware of Ms. McColloch’s presence in the room or who she was.


My Statements

Lindy McColloch comments


I found her anger and attitude concerning. Why would a state employee address a concerned citizen in this manner over a “curriculum”? After investigating CSCOPE and the behavior of those that support it, I and other critics soon realized there was a major problem. Not only were the lessons of poor quality and anti- american, teachers felt like they could not speak out and express their concerns out of fear of losing their jobs. Teachers felt controlled and intimidated by administration.  CSCOPE test did not match the material being taught. Students were failing, etc. Teachers began sending us emails thanking us for fighting for them.

The bigger picture started becoming apparent after more research. Texas Education Service Centers along with TASA and TASB and other organizations are in the works of implementing a Marxist based teaching philosophy called Project Based Learning (PBL). PBL is based on the Marxist Lev Vygotsky’s teaching philosophy.

With Project Based Learning (PBL) students create their own learning and build upon what they may already know. Students are not taught correct or factual information. Getting the correct answer is not important.  The learning process is built on group learning, based on the collective and not individual achievement.

I found this document from ESC 14 which will give you information and websites educating you what Project Based Learning (PBL) is.  I was reading the document and I behold I ran across that statement again, Teach children to think!



After is was announced that CSCOPE would drop their lessons I filed a public information requesting asking what ESC 6 sent to it’s local school districts addressing the issue. As you will read ESC’s continue to implement their progressive plan of Project Based Learning. Fortunately Parents and Grandparents are waking up to what the progressives are up to.

Here is the document that was sent.

Lindy Mc



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