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by Kelli Cook

Taxpayers UNOFFICIALLY won!

The overburdened Magnolia tax payers beat the educrats that wanted to permanently hike up property taxes in a summer time election. They were hoping to ambush the tax payers with an August election no one was aware of but them. But they didn’t get their way, tax payers showed up and fought back.

But we have a problem….Magnolia ISD is in denial about the election results.

Even though the vote tallies are in and the tax payers won by 88 votes, the votes do not count and the election is not complete until the votes are canvassed. State law REQUIRES Magnolia ISD to canvass the votes no later than the 11th day after the election. That day is SATURDAY, August 25th.

There were many things to be concerned about during this election, getting the word out, the school district putting the ballot box in the teachers lounge, the mandatory staff meetings about the election, and the shortened early voting hours. But this is the worst by far, an UNDENIABLE VIOLATION of state election law.

Magnolia ISD officials are going to have to face the facts, the voters didn’t want to give them any more of their hard earned money. They were so stunned by this fact that they also didn’t show up for the advertised budget hearing on August 20th.

I have made several attempts to pry the canvass date from them. They refuse to set a date to make their election results officials, the deadline is fast approaching. Please contact them today, before it’s too late for them to comply with the law.

Contact the Magnolia ISD board members and demand officials do their mandatory duty. Canvassing the votes is unavoidable.
By not complying with state election law, they are setting a bad example for the children that have been entrusted to their care.

Magnolia ISD Administration Office: 281-356-3571

School Board Members:
Kelly McDonald
Sonja Ebel
Gary Blizzard
Kristi Baker
Joe Duncan
Travis Moffat
Chuck Addox

You can also email the superintendent’s secretary, Mrs. Hinkelman, and ask her to forward your email to all seven school board members

Until the votes are canvassed, the results are unofficial. Magnolia Independent School District needs to obey the law. The denial process must end. We need your help to make that happen. There is still time for them to the right thing, but the clock is ticking….

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Progressive Type 2 Philosophy in Texas Schools… Where is Gov Perry?

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With the implementation of the Texas Curriculum CSCOPE and the teaching philosophy of  Project Based Learning  a radical Transformation has taken place in your local Texas school district. Where is our Texas Governor on this issue? Perry is no where to found and has made zero comments on the issue. Our children and ultimately our country will suffer from this.

A traditional education (Type 1) has been eliminated by the progressive education establishment (TASA, TASB, Superintendents, RATLIFF’s, ESC’s, etc) and the progressive Type #2 philosophy has been implemented. Please view the comparison between the two philosophies below.




Chart produced by Carole H. Haynes, Ph.D. – – 469–867-3086





Traditional Type #1Classical Learning CSCOPE Type #2Progressivism/Radical Common Core Standards   Type #2Social Justice Agenda
Instruction Direct instruction by teacher Self-directed learning, group-think Emphasis on subjectivity, feelings, emotions, beliefs,
Curriculum Academic, fact-based, skills, research Social concerns, project-based, constructivist, subjective, uses unproven fads and theories multiculturalism, political correctness, social engineering, globalism, evolution, sexual
Teacher’s role Authority figure, sets the plan for the class, academic instruction Facilitator freedom, contraceptives, environmental extremism,
Student’s role Learn from teacher, focus on factual learning, develop foundation skills for logical & analytical reasoning, independent thinking Students teach each other; focus on feelings, emotions, opinions; group-think global warming/climate change, victimization, diversity, acceptance of homosexuality as normal, & wealth redistribution.
English, Language Arts, Reading(ELAR) Phonics; classical literature; cursive handwriting; grammar; usage; correct spelling; expository, persuasive, research writing Whole language, balanced literacy, Guided Reading; no cursive writing instruction so can’t read primary documents of Founding Fathers  De-emphasis onDeclaration of Independence, Bill of RightsConstitution, Founding Fathers, national sovereignty, & American exceptionalism
Math “Drill and skill,” four math functions learned to automaticity Fuzzy math, rejects drill and memorization of math facts, dependent on calculators  
Social Studies Focus on American heritage/exceptionalism, national sovereignty, Founding Documents Diversity, multiculturalism, globalization, revisionist history, political correctness  
Character development Pro-faith, self control, personal responsibility, self-discipline, solid work ethic Secular, moral relativism, anti-faith, victimization  
Equality Equal opportunities Equal outcomes


Assessment Students evaluated by earned grades, objective tests Inflated grades, subjective assessments, evaluated based upon the value-system of the grader 


Outcomes Objective tests (right or wrong answers), emphasis on academic skills and knowledge Subjective assessments; emphasis on holistic, “feel-good” scoring
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Why Rockwall ISD and Other Schools Buy CSCOPE?

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Texas Superintendent March to TASA's Tune

Reasons Superintendents and School Board Members Give for Purchasing CSCOPE

by Janice VanCleave

Rockwall Superintendent Bailey says that the CSCOPE tool provided many benefits to the district that were lacking. For example:

 X 1. CSCOPE  was developed by Texas teachers for Texas teachers that brought the pacing needed to cover all the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) curriculum content required by the state.

An X is placed by this reason because it cannot be true. Common sense confirms that it is not possible for the authors of the CSCOPE TEKS schedules called YAGs to have any information about the pacing of the TEKS.


The state standards called TAKS ended May 2010 and the new state standards called TEKS were introduced in Aug. 2010. Thus, the CSCOPE product used in May, 2010 had to be totally rewritten to be aligned with the new TEKS and ready for school in August, 2010.

X 2. CSCOPE also provided additional lesson resources that our teachers could utilize if they were to choose to do so. I would also note that when the administration was proposing CSCOPE there was no controversy surrounding its use by the more than 875 school districts across the state of Texas since 2006. In addition to public schools CSCOPE has been adopted by private schools, charter schools as well as private Christian schools.

This reason also gets an X for lack of originality. “Mom, All the kids are doing it.” 

The Rockwall school board president said that Superintendent Bailey reported to the school board that his (Baily’s) leadership team had reviewed the CSCOPE tool along with the region 10 center and the CSCOPE developers.

This means the company selling CSCOPE told the leadership team that their product was great! Did the Rockwall leadership team expect them to say that their product filled with errors or that the science lessons do not correctly represent the science process skills?  DUH!

Ed Vara with ESC XIII admits that there is no outside oversight of the CSCOPE Curriculum.


Superintendent Bailey said, “The CSCOPE representative attended our board workshop and participated in the presentations to the board. The board was comfortable that the district had done it due diligence before recommending the tool to the board.”

It is hard to comment on this statement. OF COURSE the CSCOPE representative attended and participated. DUH!!! Again, what did the superintendent think the CSCOPE representative was going to do. Tell the truth?
I have not met any CSCOPE representative that had a clue of the lesson content. In fact, I was told that others review the lessons. The CSCOPE representatives promote and sell. They have a really good sales pitch.

X 3. CSCOPE is inexpensive.

This is absolutely not true. There hidden fees. But this lie comes from the ESCs.

Did ESC- 10 tell Mr. Bailey’s research team  that $100 million dollars were provided in 2009 via Rider 42 grant for the purpose of developing TEKS instruction materials for Texas educators K-12.

That’s right. All 20 of the ESCs were given money not only to develop TEKS training but to provide this training at no expense to teachers. In the summer of 2010, teachers were paid a stipend to attend these science, math, and ELAR TEKS professional development academies. How many Rockwall teachers attended?

Following is the amount of money that ESC Region-10 received for the purpose of preparing Rockwall teachers
to understand the TEKS they would be using in 2010-2011 for the first time. Yes! Your Region 10 Education Service Center was given $5,664,515 to develop TEKS materials so that Rockwall teachers would have the scope for the courses they taught as well as enough knowledge about the TEKS to develop their own TEKS schedule that would be aligned with the schools’s calendar.

Let me repeat this: In all, the 20 ESCs received $100 million dollars to develop and present TEKS professional development academies.     The objective of these academies was for Texas Educators to have specificities for the TEKS K-12.  


Instead of making arrangements for Rockwall teacher to attend the FREE TEKS PD academies, CSCOPE was rented at a fee of $100 thousand dollars per year. This doesn’t include other fees charged.

According to Superintendent Bailey, “The cost to the district to create our own curriculum management tool would be approximately $300K+ per year (this is to create and maintain its own curriculum management tool).”

Does anyone have a clue what a curriculum management tool is? All I have discovered about CSCOPE is that its original goal was to give superintendents and school administrators the tools to micromanage teachers. In fact, CSCOPE’s administration workshops are focused on how to monitor teachers.

According to Superintendent Bailey, due to the state cutting $5B from public school funding two years ago it put school districts across the state in the position to make some very tough decisions. As a direct result of the cuts made by the state legislature the RISD has lost $15.7M dollars of funding over the last two years ($9.3M in year one and $6.4M in year two).

While Rockwall  teachers may have been cut and classroom money for classroom supplies decreased, it did not stop  Superintendent Bailey and the School Board members from spending school taxes to pay their personal fees and expenses to private organizations called “Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA)” and “Texas Association of School Boards (TASB).” These fees for 2011-2012 and 2012 – through Dec. 2012 is a total of $62,094.25. Which is more important, “Having teachers or for the school administrators and school board members to attend conferences at the expense of tax payers?”

 X The Rockwall school board and the administration communicated that:

1. The lessons provided by the CSCOPE tool were optional.

2. Rockwall teachers are free to use their own lessons to present the content required by the TEKS.

3. The Rockwall school board and administration have full confidence in Rockwall classroom teachers and their ability to present the content required and to do so in a manner consistent with the values or our community. RISD has the best teachers in the state of Texas!

These statements get an  X because if they were true, Rockwall would not have rented the CSCOPE micromanaging system. If they were true there would be no need to pay for the TEKS scheduling when the Rockwall teachers are more than competent to group the TEKS for their lessons into time frames. If the Rockwall teachers were really respected the administration would have provided the opportunity for them receive the FREE Rider 42 TEKS PD academy materials. The administration can still make these materials available by contacting Region 10 and requesting them. 

Also, if CSCOPE was created by teachers for teachers, and the Rockwall administration and school board consider the Rockwall teachers the best in the state of Texas, why buy something that inferior teachers have produced?

FYI: * Rockwall Superintendent Jeff Bailey is listed as being part of the TASA Mission to Transform your schools. What exactly is Bailey trying to change? What are the goals of this transformation?  In Feburary the goal of TASA was for Texas administrators to attend a conference in California where Linda Darling-Hammond was speaking on Common Core. TASA specifically said that Texas Superintendents needed to attend to learn how to implement common core into the Texas Schools. Is Superintendent Bailey transforming the Rockwall ISD into a school that will be controlled by the Federal Government. Yes! Texas Schools are independent and yes your superintendent can give this away by implementing common core standards. With these standards come federal money along with federal rules and regulations. Why would any superintendent support this? Superintendents who have pledged to be part of the TASA mission of transforming Texas schools are no longer as concerned about community input. Instead, they are marching to a different drummer called TASA/TASB.

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