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by Kelli Cook

Taxpayers UNOFFICIALLY won!

The overburdened Magnolia tax payers beat the educrats that wanted to permanently hike up property taxes in a summer time election. They were hoping to ambush the tax payers with an August election no one was aware of but them. But they didn’t get their way, tax payers showed up and fought back.

But we have a problem….Magnolia ISD is in denial about the election results.

Even though the vote tallies are in and the tax payers won by 88 votes, the votes do not count and the election is not complete until the votes are canvassed. State law REQUIRES Magnolia ISD to canvass the votes no later than the 11th day after the election. That day is SATURDAY, August 25th.

There were many things to be concerned about during this election, getting the word out, the school district putting the ballot box in the teachers lounge, the mandatory staff meetings about the election, and the shortened early voting hours. But this is the worst by far, an UNDENIABLE VIOLATION of state election law.

Magnolia ISD officials are going to have to face the facts, the voters didn’t want to give them any more of their hard earned money. They were so stunned by this fact that they also didn’t show up for the advertised budget hearing on August 20th.

I have made several attempts to pry the canvass date from them. They refuse to set a date to make their election results officials, the deadline is fast approaching. Please contact them today, before it’s too late for them to comply with the law.

Contact the Magnolia ISD board members and demand officials do their mandatory duty. Canvassing the votes is unavoidable.
By not complying with state election law, they are setting a bad example for the children that have been entrusted to their care.

Magnolia ISD Administration Office: 281-356-3571

School Board Members:
Kelly McDonald
Sonja Ebel
Gary Blizzard
Kristi Baker
Joe Duncan
Travis Moffat
Chuck Addox

You can also email the superintendent’s secretary, Mrs. Hinkelman, and ask her to forward your email to all seven school board members

Until the votes are canvassed, the results are unofficial. Magnolia Independent School District needs to obey the law. The denial process must end. We need your help to make that happen. There is still time for them to the right thing, but the clock is ticking….

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