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4-4-2013 8-01-06 PM

Published in the Chandler & Brownsboro Statesman


CSCOPE earns an “F”. Test results are in, a survey of the 2011-2012 State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness/End-of- Course (STAAR/EOC) scores from over 950 Texas Independent School Districts show that CSCOPE students have 36% HIGHER UNSATISFACTORY RATINGS than do Non-CSCOPE students. CSCOPE is sold through the Texas Education Agency’s Service Centers as a “GUARANTEED & VIABLE CURRICULUM”. The Administrators of CSCOPE schools have some explaining to do to their parents, their tax payers and their School Board.

CSCOPE, the controversial Texas school curriculum in over 70% of Texas school districts, was never field tested, reviewed or approved by the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE). Perhaps this explains the FAILING GRADE by CSCOPE and why parents and tax payers are yelling at school administrators – OR SHOULD BE!

This CSCOPE Study was compiled by the 9th Grade Business Class, Blanket ISD, Blanket, Texas. E.W. Burt, Business/ Marketing teacher, being creative, was asked by his class what CSCOPE is and if it works. I told them, “Let’s find out if schools that use CSCOPE score better or worse compared to schools that do not use it.” Here is what we found:


Percent of test takers scoring unacceptable on STAAR/EOC tests – ALGEBRA I: CSCOPE/20.35% vs. Non-CSCOPE/13.74% (48% more CSCOPE students scored unsatisfactory than Non-CSCOPE): BIOLOGY 1: CSCOPE/14.86% vs. Non-CSCOPE/10.50% (42% more CSCOPE students scored unsatisfactory than Non-CSCOPE); ENGLISH WRITING I: CSCOPE/46.30% vs. Non- CSCOPE/39.48% (19.57% more CSCOPE students scored unsatisfactory than Non- CSCOPE); GEOGRAPHY: CSCOPE/23.30% vs. Non-CSCOPE 17.78% (37.06% more CSCOPE students scored unsatisfactory than Non-CSCOPE): AVERAGE 36.67% higher unsatisfactory scores among CSCOPE students on all tests. (Data used is publically available.)

OPT OUT: What can a parent do to ensure their children are not exposed to this failing curriculum, the socialistic teachings, ideology/ indoctrination and misaligned, inaccurate and inappropriate content?

According to the TEXAS EDUCATION CODE: Texas Statutes – Section 26.010: EXEMPTION FROM INSTRUCTION – – “A parent is entitled to remove the parent’s child temporarily from a class or other school activity that conflicts with the parent’s religious or moral beliefs if the parent presents or delivers to the teacher of the parent’s child a written statement authorizing the removal of the child from the class or other school activity.”


Bill Hussey,
Llano, Texas



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