Dad Arrested for Speaking out Against Common Core!

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Robert Small of Towson, Maryland attended an open forum to get his questions answered regarding Common Core standards. It did not take long for those attending to realize those running the meeting had no intentions of answering genuine questions from parents or concerned citizens. The meeting was set up to stifle free speech and followup questions when parents were asked to submit question in writing ahead of time. When Small when off script and stood up to ask his questions despite the meeting format he was then escorted out my an armed officer moonlighting as a security guard. Small was arrested and charged with 2nd degree assault though no assault visibly took place, facing a $2500.00 fine and up to 10 years in prison. All charges have sensed been dropped.

If America doesn’t wake up to what is going on they are in for some hard times. Texas at this moment has stifled their teachers from speaking out against the use of CSCOPE/Project Based Learning. The only ones that have spoken are the ones that are in position to retire or they have quit teaching. And then we have those that expose what is going on anonymously. While many chose to buy into the progressive agenda and are naive to the growing threat of fascism in America.



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