BUILDING THE MACHINE – A film about the Common Core

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common core


December 5, 2013

Dear HSLDA members and friends of homeschooling,

President Barack Obama calls the Common Core State Standards “the most meaningful reform of our public schools in a generation.”

But they are also arguably the most controversial education reform in America’s history. In Building the Machine, Home School Legal Defense Association and Distant Moon Media Group team up to bring you a fast-paced behind-the-scenes tour of the Common Core: how it was developed, who’s paying for it, and how it’s rapidly turning into a set of national standards.

“The federal takeover involved no teacher or parent input,” reports the Huffington Post.

“I’m trying to think of something analogous to this—that slipped through so easily on a national basis—and I really can’t,” wonders Dr. Andrew Hacker, a political scientist at Queens College CUNY.

“The biggest misperception that Common Core proponents push on people is that there is any evidence that a system like Common Core will benefit children,” says Joy Pullmann, research fellow at the Heartland Institute.

“It takes power from the parent,” Pioneer Institute Executive Director Jim Stergios says, “and de-incentivizes the parent from a deep and abiding interest in their child’s education.”

“People need to know about the Common Core,” states Dr. Michael McShane, research fellow at American Enterprise Institute, “because standards undergird everything in the education system.”

This documentary uncovers truths you won’t be told by the mainstream media.

Will the Common Core State Standards lead to higher achievement or they will dumb down the curriculum—and our students? Where is the research to show they will work? And what impact will they have on not only public schools, but private schools and homeschools as well?

This is a story about American’s future, reform, hidden agendas, and the battle for our children’s education. Don’t miss it!

Watch the trailer >>



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