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CSCOPE or TEKS Resource System what ever you want to call the program has mastered the art of flip flopping dependent on the day and  current criticism of the program.   CSCOPE now known has the TEKS Resource System was operated by the non-profit Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC) is now being operated under the name Texas Curriculum Management Program Cooperative (TCMPC).  CSCOPE’s original promotional PowerPoint presentation used in promoting and selling their program to school districts outlined the research base in the creation of CSCOPE. Please make note that two of the most controversial individuals used in its creation of the program is  Marxist Lev Vygotsky and Radical Humanist Linda Darling Hammond (highlighted below). Hammond is associated with Communist Bill Ayers, the Weather underground bomber and is heavenly involved in the creation and implementation of the Common Core Standards.


Performing another FLIP FLOP in hopes of  mending their damaged image the management team TCMPC has removed Vygotsky and Hammond from the research base though the foundation of CSCOPE has not changed. Despite it’s name change CSCOPE is the same, the management team consist of the same individuals. The program is all about implementing a Marxist Program called Project Based Learning built around the Collective, in  of promoting diversity, equity, and globalization.


Due to the fact that CSCOPE was exposed last school year and received so much negative publicity the powers at be chose to change its name to the TEKS Resource System and to abolish its non profit.

Below is another slide from the PowerPoint notice they promote the idea of CSCOPE being Progressive and it is not a Parent Resource. Wow? They have tried for years to hide CSCOPE from the public and parents. Thankfully for the involvement in concerned Texas Citizens CSCOPE is now exposed for what it truly is, a complete radical progressive TRANSFORMATION of the education system in TEXAS.


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CSCOPE & George Soros &Project Based Learning (PBL)

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Texas Education Service Center 6 recently held their summer CSCOPE conference and advertised it with the slogan “CATCH the CSOPE WAVE”.  I don’t know about you but I have had enough of the progressive CSCOPE WAVE paid for with our tax dollars, it needs to flow right out of the STATE. ESC 6 and school districts that have purchased and implemented CSCOPE are all about implementing a progressive learning style called “Project Based Learning” (PBL).The photos below are from ESC 6’s Facebook Page. They are now coming out publicly with stating CSCOPE is about PBL.




The National Education Association and Texas Education Service Center 6 are linked to a progressive organization called Buck Institute of Education (BIE). Drummond Pike, president of The Tides Foundation is a former board member of BIE. If you are not aware of the progressive/liberal nature of The Tides Foundation and it’s association with George Soros, check out this article in Discover the Networks.  The photo below is from ESC 6  spotlighting CSCOPE’S link to PBL.



Name that project

BIE is also associated with Humanist Linda Darling Hammond. Hammond is associated with radical communist Bill Ayers. 


Parents and taxpayers, please get involved as to why your tax dollars are supporting and leading to the decline of Texas Students. For those that are not familiar with PBL the chart below highlights the difference in a traditional education and PBL and why you need to concerned.PBL COMPARISON

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