TEXAS ISD Superintendent Viewed as Spiteful and Vindictive

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Found the following post on Face Book in regard to Brazosport ISD Superintendent Karin Holacka. 


Talked to friend this weekend that is an ex-teacher who quit because she had enough of Karin Holacka. She said basically that the public at large has no idea how much harm she has done BISD.

She said discipline in the classrooms and her refusal to take action is one of the worst issues in the district now. She told a quick story of a student that was biting teachers and other tales of severe problems that Karin would not allow the teachers to do anything of consequence about.

I will share this information with Joe Silvas as he ran on a platform of restoring discipline to the schools.

My friend wanted to remain anonymous as she has friends that are still teacher and she seemed to indicate that Holacka was very capable of spiteful, vindictive actions. I am appalled this has come to pass in our schools.



I know is true from talking to teacher friends from when I subbed at Bwood and from talking to my daughter’s teachers from last year. Dr. H’s control and the changes she has brought to BISD are the reasons we moved and got our girls out of the schools there.

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