CSCOPE Was Not Needed!! Where is the Money?

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The Texas 81st legislative session gave TEA & Texas Education Service Centers (ESC’S) millions through Rider 42 to  development Professional Development Academies (PDA’S)  at no cost for teachers, to prepare them for the new Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).  At the same time the ESC directors developed their non profit, Texas Education Service Centers Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC), who then developed CSCOPE. Why? TESCCC has been leasing CSCOPE to school districts on a yearly basis.  They then turned around and started charging teachers or districts for additional training in using CSCOPE.  The ESC did not stop there…. oh no…… they then began holding huge Conferences in the summer on the taxpayers dime as well,  for educators. Talk about sucking as much as you can out of taxpayers… this is so Ridiculous.

While we are uncovering this the ESC directors are testifying in front of the Senate Education Committee and to any audience who cares to hear their lies that “teachers were begging for CSCOPE. It was developed by teachers for teachers”. If they would have used the millions given to them and advertised the “Professional Development Academies” for teachers to utilize, teachers would have had all they needed to prepare them for the new TEKS. Instead they were busy creating their new business TESCCC. For what?

I have emailed most of the directors of the ESC’s asking them why CSCOPE was needed when they were given money for the “Professional Development Academies” they have yet to respond.

I have one question.. Where is the Money?


Rider 42

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