BETRAYED: How The Education Establishment Has Betrayed America and What You Can Do About It.

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Image of Laurie H. Rogers
Many parents have asked themselves, “Why is my child not learning much this year in school?” About four years ago, Laurie H. Rogers asked this question of district administrators, but her question was politely diverted. Laurie continued to press for answers from district, then state and federal administration, continually running into obstruction and more diversion. Laurie began writing her blog “Betrayed,” which chronicles her attempts to get answers and to effect positive change in public education, particularly in math education. Her book “Betrayed” is the result of her advocacy efforts.

In “Betrayed,” Laurie roots out the self-styled “stakeholders” whose personal, professional and financial interests are served by this failing system, and who force failing ideology on teachers and students, despite its nearly complete lack of supporting research or successful student outcomes. Laurie empathizes with teachers–many of whom aren’t allowed to do their jobs, yet who are constantly threatened with removal for “ineffectiveness” or “insubordination.” “Betrayed” is more than an expose; it’s a beacon of hope, offering practical methods for teachers, parents, advocates and legislators to stand up against this broken system and to ensure a good-quality education for all of our children.

Laurie has a background in finance, journalism and child advocacy and has volunteered in various schools – tutoring children in literacy and math, and teaching chess, argumentation and knitting. She lives in Spokane with her husband and daughte






In America, more money is spent from all sources on K-12 education than on the U.S. Department of Defense. Why then are so many children suffering what amounts to educational malpractice? Why are they crippled for life with a substandard education and a life-altering vision of themselves as “incapable”?

Betrayed is a passionate, well-researched and frank accounting of how a failing public-education system continues to be forced on teachers and students, despite its nearly complete lack of supporting research or successful student outcomes. Betrayed roots out the self-styled “stakeholders” whose personal, professional and financial interests are served by this failing system. It sympathizes with teachers—many of whom aren’t allowed to do their jobs, yet are constantly threatened with removal for “ineffectiveness” or “insubordination.”

Betrayed is an expose, but it’s also a beacon of commonsense and hope. Through the “Square of Effective Learning,” Betrayed offers practical methods for teachers, parents, advocates and legislators to stand up against this broken system, to effect positive change, and to ensure a good-quality education for all of our children.



Below is an excerpt from her book. Take note the Charles A. Dana Center  is affiliated with the University of Texas.

page 88


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