Parent says….Thank You CSCOPE!

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thank you
By Tony Mooney
Dear CScope,

Thank you.
Thank you for teaching my son fear.
Fear of failure.
Fear of testing.
Fear of his teachers and school.
Fear of society.
Fear of his peers and their impressions.
Fear to be himself.
And most of all, fear of learning.

Cscope, you have truly performed your task of differentiating kids to the point that they segregate themselves in the classroom as well as outside the classroom.
Kids no longer strive to achieve but instead strive to “get past the test”.
And yet, once the testing is done and they think they can breathe, they get loaded down with all the projects that couldn’t be done during the year due to all the assessments and teaching to the test.

Thank you for the sleepless nights due to stress.

Thank you for the tension headaches in an 11-year old child.

Thank you for the pervasive fear of failure and the belief that they are nothing if they don’t pass that test.

Thank you for the systematic destruction of self-confidence and happiness.

Thank you for the half-baked lessons and poorly worded questions.

Thank you for slowly killing the desire to learn new things.

Oh, and Cscope, I must tell you, because you are an inadequate learning tool created by idiots, foisted on us by buffoons and supported by cretins, I am being sarcastic, facetious and disengenuous. I apologize for using words your creators don’t understand but that’s what happens when you are taught to think and not regurgitate.

And tell your twin brother, TASB iCloud, you can put lipstick on a pig but…well, why finish it, when I doubt you understand.

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