Texas Education Agency Endangers Students and Families

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The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is working on collecting data on your children and you. They have applied and received millions of dollars from the federal government to implement a data collection system called Texas Longitudinal Data System. Bill and Melinda Gates, The Dell Foundation have also assisted in funding the project.

You as a parent will told that that the “data collected” on your child will be used by the education system to better prepare your child for the workforce. Anytime the government implements a system to benefit their agenda they will sell it to the public as a benefit to you. THEY LIE!

The Texas Education Agency have been collecting data for years but not to the this extreme. Texas data collection has been referred to (PEIMS) Professional Education Information Management System. Claiming it’s not current and up to date TEA applied for federal money to improve the Data Collection to a great extent and with no thought to violation of student and family privacy. TEA received in upwards of  40M to implement the Statewide Longitudinal Data System.


texas data


dell foundation

Texas Student Data System (TSDS)

Check out the following web sight on Texas’s compliance with Data Collection. They have met 8 out of 10 of their goals.


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