New Communist Flag drawn in Texas Schools

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Texas students that are currently attending a school that has implemented the progressive, pro Islamic curriculum CSCOPE are asked to draw a new Soviet Nation Flag, read excerpts from the Communist  Manifesto.


The students are also asked to read the quotes below from the socialist reformer Robert Owen who was known thinking that all religions were “based on the same absurd imagination” which he said made mankind “a weak, imbecile animal; a furious bigot and fanatic; or a miserable hypocrite.”

owen model



The Men and Women Behind the Marxist Curriculum

Please learn more about Cscope @



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TEXAS PATRIOTS are desperately needed in Austin this Thursday for the Senate Education Hearing on the ProIslamic,AntiChristian,Communistic curriculum, Cscope. Cscope is in almost 80% of our Texas Schools. Here are a list of schools that have purchased and implemented it.


The hearing is will be in room E1.028 @ 8:30 am at the Capitol. We would love to have you there early to fill up the room.  Doors of the Capitol open at 7:00AM.

Science Author Janice VanCleave who is the one who uncovered Cscope and has committed numerous hours over the past year meeting with Cscope reps, researching the curriculum and building  the website WWW.TXSCSCOPEREVIEW.COM in order to inform parents and communities as what our schools are teaching has been denied the opportunity to sit  on the panel at the hearing for reasons unknown.

There will 4 panels at the hearing 1) Cscope Reps 2) SBOE members 3)Superintendents 4) Anti Cscope Panel.  Taken the fact that there are two panel tables there in total support of Cscope and we know for a fact that SBOE member Patricia Hardy whom loves Cscope will be sitting on one panel  we feel we are not being  properly represented. This is why your attendance is crucial.


Please help us by attending this meeting to voice your concerns.  BE THERE AND BE EARLY.


****IMPORTANT***** THURSDAY is also TEXAS MUSLIM CAPITOL DAY.   Wouldn’t you know it!!

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Happy Birthday Mom, I Love You!

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Mom I want to take the time to tell you publicly how much I love you. You are the most wonderful mother in the world. Your love and friendship mean the world to me.

There  have been those times when I questioned your love for me  like when you gave me a same doll for Christmas two years in a row (some how it ended in the attic and you did not remember ever giving to me) or like the time you served me fried squirrel and told me it was chicken (I thought the leg’s were small). Or the day we were driving to school and you stopped on the side of the road and wrapped a dead squirrel up in newspaper to use in your science class. MOM, what were you thinking? I could just hear the kids talking at school, “Ms. VanCleave, Ginger’s mom brought a DEAD SQUIRREL to school”.  I was 16 and a cool chick that was so embarrassing!

There are so many moments I could share but this one is TOPS!! Why would you let my Aunt Diane tease my hair to high heaven for my school portraits? Mom, I have never asked but,  Why? Did you not want me to have any friends?  LOL!






I never thought I would see the day where you and I both would be doing what we are today and that is fighting for our Country’s Freedom and working to protect the children in our Texas Schools.


You are the GREATEST MOM!!    ~Love Ginger






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TX, Cscope views Communism as a Success

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 Communism for all people

 Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted. ~Lenin

Texas online progressive curriculum Cscope from K-12 is pushing a progressive ideology that undermines America’s Heritage while promoting a positive view of Islam and Communism. Below is a question from a High School World History Assessment Test.


A-is to be the correct answer.  I never thought I would live to see the day where our Texas schools would promote the idea in our children minds that the proven failure of a Totalitarian Communist form of  governing as something to be viewed as a SUCCESS.

Not only have the Communist takeovers proven to be TRAGIC AND EVIL, but the fact that you have those in our Texas education system promoting this ideology as something positive is also TRAGIC and EVIL.


Communism has contributed to the death of up to 100 Million people.  There is no FREEDOM under Communism.



Wake up Texans! Wake up America! Get Involved! Speak Up!

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” (Edmund Burke)


Texas State Board of Education Republican Members support Cscope

The Men and Women Behind Cscope







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Socialism/Communism/Marxism coming to Texas Schools!

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35 Texas Superintendents have joined forces with creating a New Vision for Texas Education. Here is their New Vision with their names and school districts on the last page. It is all about a watering down of our education system, the collective and not individual achievement. In other words SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM/MARXISM.


I recently saw the following flyer for a Community Connection in Anderson-Shiro ISD.



I along with a few friends attended the meeting and as expected it was a Consensus Meeting with the use of the Delphi Technique. (Please learn about the Delphi Technique. It has become common place lately with the implementation of the United Nations Agenda 21 goals.)

In short they already have their vision in place as to what they want our education system to look like they just want it to appear that they are reaching out to the community and getting their ideas which is far from the truth. I attended the meeting with friends that have attended Consensus Meetings before. We played along with  their little games (with music, lol) and interacted with the local sheriff and others. They were suspicious from the start who we were and what we were there for. My name is already known in numerous school communities due to my fight against the Texas progressive/Marxist curriculum Cscope . They took numerous photos (I think mine was taken the most) of the meeting as so did I.


They showed the following video at the meeting by Sir Ken Robinson.


I am assuming they will be holding these Consensus Meetings across the state as stated to make it appear that they have sought community input and this is what we want. Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) is behind all of this. Please call your elected officials and school board and let your concerns be known.

Parents are busy working and have been content if their child just passes school. What they don’t realize is when this is all implemented is all students are going to pass due to watering down of the academic content and it will a collective accomplishment not an individual one. There are no absolute values in with this progressive ideology.  It will become one long assembly line of indoctrination, all on the same playing field, everyone equal….SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM/MARXISM…call it what you may.  We are in trouble if the community and parents do not start paying attention. 


After further research not only did I find 35 stakeholders/superintendents pushing this agenda. I found this list of school Districts that have subscribed and paid a membership fee to be a part of  TASA’s  School Transformation Network, formally known as  TASA Visioning Network. A district (the taypayer’s) pays a fee to join the TASA School Transformation Network and those fees are below for the 2012/2013 school year.  881 school districts  though not paying fee’s to the TASA’s Transformation Network have signed a resolution to support the VISION along with PTA’s and local Chamber of Commerce’s . This is the



In a nutshell Texas Association of School Administrators and Texas Association of School Boards are working on transforming our children’s education to a  progressive/socialist one. Your local school district’s are using taxpayers money to join TASA and TASB and also to join the School Transformation Network. They also are using taxpayer money to fly to around the country to attend conferences, stay in hotels that do nothing but further the implementation of Common Core which Texas rejected. As I write this TASA is asking Texas Superintendents and School Administrators to join them and attend the American Association of School Administrators (AASA) to hear Humanist Linda Darling Hammond speak on Common Core. Why are Texas Taxpayers paying for this??


Please look at Texas Superintendent goes to Washington DC!


Additional links that expose the corruption in Texas Education. If you know more please let me know at






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District User License Agreement (DULA) for Texas Education …
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Texas Education Agency & UN Agenda 21

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Agenda-21Our nation is sadly deteriorating and America’s Exceptionalism is wasting away in large part due to the indoctrination of our school children. Texas unfortunately has bought into the lie of the United Nation’s Agenda 21/sustainable development goals of eliminating world poverty.  Sounds great on the surface but in reality it is the removal of individual freedom and personal property.

The Texas Education Agency (TEA), Texas Education Service Center (TESC), Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA)  are all behind the implementation of the United Nations Goals in our school system.  The CSCOPE curriculum is the tool being used to implement Agenda 21 propaganda.

Wake up Parents and Taxpayers 

Please take time to find out  what danger this indoctrination will bring to our National Sovereignty and Freedom.

Our children’s and grandchildren’s lives are being changed–STOP THIS Indoctrination before it is too late. America  will forever be changed if citizens do not get involved in stopping this creeping cancer.

The common answer head is, “I am too busy.”  If you do not take time now you may rue the day that you did not slow down and protect our Freedom. In the name of Progressive–21 Century changes, these progressive radicals are working overtime to implement policies and changes that will take your freedom of making choices away. America will no longer be the “The Land of the Free.”  Instead, it will be a controlled land with no individual freedoms.

Your children are daily being taught in public and private school about community and equal sharing. These are not Christian values, instead, they are at this time socialists propaganda. Which easily slides into communist control. Please get involved and educate yourself. America Needs You.



Texas Education Agency Power Point on Green


Christopher Columbus goes Green

Learn more about the United Nations Agenda 21






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Agenda 21 is EVIL

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Dumbing Down of Our Children is Deliberate

Your children are being indoctrinated.
Do want your children raised by the state?
CSCOPE is the venue by which Texas children are being indoctrinated with Agenda 21 propaganda.
Children are mathematically ignorant by design.
Children cannot read well by design.
Children are not taught to write in script by design.

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Christopher Columbus Goes Green?

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The Green Christopher Columbus


Revisionist History has become the norm in Texas schools with the use of a curriculum called Cscope. Does your school district use it? Check HERE.

One of the Cscope lessons takes the liberty of removing excerpts from Christopher Columbus’s journal entries where he admires God’s creation and beauty to use them in support of the environmentalist goals of the United Nations Agenda 21.

Below is the exact title to Christopher Columbus’ journal entries and one of the entries that Cscope reps have cherry picked words out of to support their environmental agenda for the purpose of  indoctrinating Texas students. The highlighted areas are the cherry picked words removed as you will see below.


Cscope revisionist History of Christopher Columbus


lesson with attachments.




Cscope has found it acceptable to track Islamic Scholar Ibn Battuata pilgrimage to Mecca.  Learn more about that lesson HERE.


You can learn more about Cscope @


More on the United Nations Agenda 21 @

Glenn Beck on Agenda 21


GLENN BECK’S BOOK ON AGENDA 21, though fictional it is thought provoking and makes wonder what our world will one day become if we don’t change course.

Glenn' Beck's Agenda 21

Agenda 21

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Sen. Dan Patrick called this afternoon and we will be meeting on Tuesday to discuss Cscope. More than likely there will be a Senate Hearing on Cscope towards to end of this month and we need any and all patriots to attend for support (Dewhurst mentioned that).

Patrick mentioned that Senators are not aware or they are just hearing about Cscope so please contact your Representatives. 

If you contact Patrick’s office be respectful in voicing your concerns and ask for a complete review of Cscope. Thanks. 




1. Go to Sen Dan Patrick’s Face Book page and find this POST he posted yesterday. It states the following…….
As I have previously written here, I plan to have a hearing on CSCOPE as one of my first education hearings. I visited with some CSCOPE folks today. I am hopeful that before the hearing in a few weeks they will already have addressed and resolved two issues:
1. Total transparency for parents to view the curriculum
2. Removing language that subjects teachers to possible criminal penalties if they violate the contracts they sign with CSCOPE
I have made it clear that we will not accept teachers being subjected to criminal penalties in these contracts and parents not to have easy access to the curriculum.
Once again it is my hope they will come to the hearing with these issues resolved in advance. There is more to discuss, but these two issues should be resolved sooner than later.
2. Let him know this is unacceptable and that Cscope needs to be done away with. The whole Framework of Cscope is built on Marxism.
3. He needs to take time and listen to teachers/parents who know more about Cscope/ not just those that have a financial interest in it.
4. Please call his office and voice your objection as well.   His office number is 713 464 0282






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Texas Superintendent goes to Washington DC?

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Dr. Jeff Turner

 Dr. Jeff Turner, superintendent of Coppell ISD is on his way to Washington DC again. Why?  Turner flew to Washington on Dec. 5th to discuss Common Core Standards and non adoption of them in Texas.  Dr. Turner  is also President of the Texas Association of School AdministratorsTASA.   TASA is gearing up to attend the American Association of  School Administrtors, AASA to hear humanist Linda Darling Hammond who is associated with Communist William (Bill) Ayers  speak on the Common Core Standards. Hammond is also an education adviser to the Obama administration.  Why are  Texas Taxpayers funding this? Why are we having to pay for our superintendents to travel to here about the Marxist Common Core standards Texas did not adopt?















Dr. Turner seems to be all about promoting an education of the 21st Century. An education that is NOT based on individual achievement but on the collective. It is a watered down education that removes vocabulary, novels, cursive writing and the basics of algebra. Why are our administrators buying into this?

Though Common Core was not officially adopted in Texas the Education Service Centers have found a way to implement a similar product that has Common Core written all over it, called Cscope. Cscope is an online curriculum that nearly 80% of Texas school districts have purchased and implemented it without parents knowledge. The curriculum has not been available for parents to see and teachers had to sign a non-disclosure statement that they would not release the contents or say anything negative about it. Csocpe is pro Islamic and anti Christian. It pushes a global collectivist agenda. It is based on the Marxist/progressive ideology of Obama education adviser Linda Darling Hammond who is associated with communist Bill Ayers.  Hammond has been a regular speaker at Cscope Conferences.


Dr. Turner has also signed a contract for the Coppell ISD with TASA’S  School Transformation Network. Here is their Visioning Document. Notice following the document are the original 35 superintendents that promoted this vision.


****TASA and those behind the Texas Schcol Transformation Network which has plans on taking Texas education on a progressive/Marxist path. ***


In Texas today unbeknownest to parents and taxpayers there is a progressive/Marxist curriculum called Cscope is a  that has been implemented in nearly 80% of the Texas Schools.   Parents have not been  aware that it is in their schools due the fact that homework is discouraged and most school districts to not purchase text books. It is online and parents have been denied access to the material. As alarming as it is Teachers were required to sign a non-disclosure statement that they would not release the contents are say anything negative about it.

For more information on Cscope go to

 Cscope, What is behind the Curtain, Part I

 Cscope, What is behind the Curtain, Part II




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Marxist Curriculum in Texas & Supported by State Board of Education Members

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Our country is  on the brink of losing it’s freedom and its constitutional rights due to the progressive/Marxist ideology of the Obama Administration and those that support his leftist (government knows best, collectivist) ideology. Unbeknownst to many who voted for Texas State  Board of Education members Thomas Ratliff and Pat Hardy,  who ran as republicans and stand by  a Marxist Curriculum that is  in a majority of Texas Schools. This so-called curriculum is called Cscope. If you have not heard about it before don’t be surprised a majority of the parents whose kids are being indoctrinated with it haven’t heard of it either. Why? Parents have not been allowed to view it. Teachers had to sign a non disclosure statement that they would not release the contents of it or say anything negative about it. Homework is discouraged and most schools who have purchased it have no text books for children to bring home.  Surely this isn’t happening in Texas you may say. Sadly it is! Here is a list of Texas Schools that have purchased and implemented Cscope.

Texas has 20 Education Service Centers that were originally set up to help local schools. The directors of  nineteen of the 20 (excluding 4)  formed a non-profit called Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative , TESCCC which owns Cscope.  ESC 4 is now a part of TESCCC. Follow me here for a minute, state employees, use tax money to form a non-profit which operates in state buildings and use state employees to sell their product. You can read more about the formation and lack of transparency in regard to TESCCC at the following links.

Cscope, What is behind the curtain Part I

Cscope What is behind the Curtain Part II


As mentioned earlier we have two State Board of Education Members Thomas Ratliff and Pat Hardy which stand behind and support the use of this Marxist Curriculum and its lack of transparency. We expect to have to battle the left in protecting our children form a ideology that is anti Christian but now we have those that run on a Republican ticket betray those that put their trust in them.

Mr. Ratiff has written a letter of support on behalf of the State Board of Education.  Here is an audio of Mr. Ratliff supporting Cscope. Pat Hardy went on a diatribe of her love of Cscope at the November State Board of Education Why is the State Board of Education promoting a private vendor when they have no authority of the Curriculum.


Thomas Ratliff support of Cscope wrote a letter stating those in opposition have amnesia. Serious? Patricia “Pat” Hardy went on a diatribe at the Nov. 15th State Board Meeting stating her love and support of Cscope.

 Texas State Board of Education Rinos



Patrcia Hardy

   Thomas Ratliff (R)                                                       Patricia Hardy (R)

P.O. Box 232                                                                             900 North Elm
Mount Pleasant,
TX 75456                                       Weatherford, TX 76086
(817) 598-2968                                                                         (903) 717-1190                                                                                               

                                                                                                            (817) 598-2833 FAX                                    


 The Marxist approach to education is broadly constructivist, and emphasises activitycollaboration and critique, rather than passive absorption of knowledge, emulation of elders and conformism; it is student-centred rather than teacher centred, but recognises that education cannot transcend the problems and capabilities of the society in which it is located. 

Cscope is based on the collective and not individual achievement. It promotes a pro Islamic view and an Anti Christian one.

For more information on Cscope check out            

Six Graders chart road to Mecca.

Cscope says Allah is the Only God

  Cscope Islam Powerpoint  Islam CSCOPE (2) Cscope reps will state that they have removed the powerpoint but the question why was it on there in the first place?


Teachers and Parents speak out against Cscope.






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Texas Teachers speak out against Cscope

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Texas Teachers and Parents speak out against the Progressive/Marxist Curriculum in over 80% of Texas Schools. Has your district purchased Cscope? Check HERE.  The men a women behind Cscope, HERE. 

Cscope is owned by TEXAS EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER CURRICULUM COLLABORATIVE (TESCCC). TESCCC was actually formed by the Directors of 19 of the TEXAS EDUCATION SERVICE CENTERS, excluding ESC IV originally.  Pam Wells the ESC IV director has verified their district will join TESCCC. The directors have gotten together and formed the non profit TESCCC with state funds, with state employess in a state building. There is no transparency with TESCCC. I emailed Thomas Poe ESC VI director requesting   when and where their governing board meetings would be held? He responded due to their bylaws their meetings where not open to the public. His response is below.  State Cscope director from ESC XIII Wade Labay has also stated that meetings and minutes are not available to the public.



Ms. Mac speak out about the Communist/Marxist philosophy behind Cscope.

Renowned Science Author, Janice VanCleave has published over 50+ science books was denied access to Cscope lessons in order for her tutor a child. This lack of transparency led to her investigation of  Cscope. She has found numerous errors in the science curriculum.

Dr. Stan Hartzler speaks out against Cscope. Mr. Hartzler quit his job in Luling ISD after teaching under the control of Cscope.

Anonymous Cscope Teacher speaks out. Serious? She is in fear of losing her job for speaking out!!

Ginger Russell, your truly, exposes Cscope.

Dr. David Stovall was denied access to his child’s Cscope lessons and removed them from the public schoo. He and his wife are now homeschooling them.







Thank you for your interest in attending the TESCCC Governing Board meetings.  TESCCC’s meetings are held in accordance with its bylaws and are currently closed to the public.  Additionally, the meeting notices and agendas are not posted publically but rather notice of meetings are distributed in accordance with the corporation’s bylaws and the requirements for nonprofit corporations under the Texas Business Organizations Code.

I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about CSCOPE and/or share any additional questions or comments with the TESCCC Governing Board.

Thomas Poe

Thomas Poe

Executive Director

ESC Region VI





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Texas Pastors..Will you speak up for our Children?

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Children Praying




At a time when God and prayer have been pushed out of school. In nearly 80% of Texas schools a progressive/Marxist curriculum has been purchased and implemented a curriculum called Cscope. Cscope is based on the the teaching philosophy of Humanist Linda Darling Hammond.  Hammond is Obama’s education adviser and is associated with communist Bill Ayers. Cscope learning theory is also based on Marxist Lev Vygotsky which promotes collectivism and socialism all of which go against biblical teaching.

Cscope promotes a Pro Islamic view and an Anti Christian view. Cscope promotes a United Nations Agenda of eliminating world poverty and the expense of America.  Lessons portraying the Boston Tea Party as a Terrorist Act and portraying Paul Revere as hiding drugs in his home. Serious?

Has your school purchased Cscope check Here.

If you need additional information on Cscope please go to or email Ginger at


“On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen; All day and all night they will never keep silent. You who remind the LORD, take no rest for yourselves” Psalms 62:6

Pastors will you speak up and be a watchmen for our children?


Please watch educators below and learn more about the philosophy behind Cscope and how it is so inadequate in teaching students what they need to learn.


Educator Jeannine McGregor speak out against Cscope and the philosophy behind it.


Dr. Hartzler has his PHD in curriculum and mathematics. He loves to see the students succeed and see their excitement when they realize their potential. Dr. Hartzler quit his job in Luling ISD during the Christmas Break due to the Control and Indoctrination of Cscope.

Renowned Science Author Janice VanCleave was denied access to Cscope lessons in order to tutor a child in Marlin ISD. She also says the Cscope science lessons are bad.
Why is there no transparency with Cscope?

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Paul Revere: Pot Peddling Patriot?

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Paul RevereTexas School Curriculum Cscope has went to extremes in skewing America’s Heritage in the minds of students. There was a lesson that portrayed the Boston Tea Party as a Terrorist Act (see link below) and now we have found a High School lesson where Paul Revere is portrayed and suspected of hiding drugs in his house. Serious!

America is no longer taught that it is Exceptional. Texas Schools found it acceptable to push a global agenda and skew America’s history in the minds of our children.

For more information on Cscope please go to

The men and women behind Cscope. HERE


Islam in Texas Schools

Boston Tea Party was a Terrorist Act



DR. STAN HARTZLER quit his job due to Cscope. Cscope works to ridexperienced older teachers from the school system. Dr. Hartzler’s passion
is to teach students and see them master algebra, how sad that Cscope
stifles the creativity and the learning environment for our students.


Cscope Lesson.



Paul Revere jpg

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TX Cscope students chart “PILGRIMAGE TO MECCA”

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Ibn Battuta


American Exceptionalism will no longer exist in the minds of our children.  Texas has  joined     ranks with the leftist agenda in indoctrinating our children with a progressive ideology. Over 70% of Texas public schools, some private and charter have purchased and implemented the progressive curriculum,  Cscope. Cscope is based on Obama’s Common Core.  Common Core advocate Linda Darling Hammond is a top education adviser to Obama and is also associated with communist revolutionary Bill Ayers.  Linda Darling Hammond has been a guest speaker at Cscope Conferences and is the quest speaker this February in California for the American Association of School Administrators (AASA) National Conference. Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) is gearing up to attend the National Conference and hear Linda Darling Hammond speak and promote Common Core which, Texas rejected. There fees and travel plans will be paid for with your tax dollars.

Cscope is owned by Texas Education Service Center’s Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC).  The men and women behind Cscope are the Board of Directors of TESCCC which are the directors of the Texas Education Service Centers excluding ESC 4.

Our children are not being taught about the great men and women who sacrificed their lives for this country nor or they taught that these sacrifices attribute to the FREEDOM we have been so fortunate to enjoy.Instead our children are being indoctrinated  with a pro Islamic, anti christian view. Texas students could benefit greatly from studying the lives of great men such as  Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Abe Lincoln or better yet the missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul. Unfortunately for our children Cscope writers felt it more important that 6 grade students chronicle Islamic Scholar Ibn Battuta’s pilgrimage to Mecca and  Mohammad’s tomb in Medina. The fact that Cscope is pushing a pro Islamic view is indisputable.  Time after time their agenda is exposed, and as soon as it is, the Cscope Reps run to pull the exposed material with a flip of a switch (due to it being an online curriculum). Fortunately there are many concerned about this indoctrination of our children that have already captured the original Cscope documents in order to verify Cscope’s intentions. Here is another captured portion of a 6 grade lesson indicating Cscope reps true intentions to indoctrinate your children with a pro Islamic view.

Cscope Pro Islam View

Cscope Pro Islam View














For additional information on Cscope and it’s indoctrination go to WWW.TXCSCOPEREVIEW.COM












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